This is a throwback-style, story-driven 3D action game full of gangster intrigue and mad ass-kicking. 1980s Osaka: inhabited by the hardest Yakuza and the hottest, Eighties-est girls. After losing his livelihood, American expatriate Cleve finds himself embroiled in a Yakuza blood feud...
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Jan 30, 2023
While the majority of these features are ultimately rather unnecessary, it adds some pleasant downtime after all the nightmarish sights and descriptions you’ll find yourself interacting with. It’s a perfect balancing act that helps us show that some characters are genuinely redeemable — and that some are absolute, legitimate sweethearts — compared to the majority, who are walking red flags. But that just makes any piece of fiction all the more exciting. If you like the sound of any bit of our write-up, be sure to check out Courtin’ Cowboys and support the developer! They are currently working on their third game.