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Layers of Fear 2

GenresAdventure, Indie, Action, Horror, Simulation, Thriller, Single Player, First Person Perspective
AvailableMay 28, 2019
PlatformPC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
DeveloperBloober Team

Layers of Fear 2 is a first-person psychological horror game with an emphasis on exploration and story. Players control a Hollywood actor who heeds the call of an enigmatic director to take on the lead role in a film shot aboard an ocean liner. Beware, for all may not truly be what it seems.

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Critics have mixed opinions on the story of Layers of Fear 2. Some praise its haunting and emotionally impactful elements, while others criticize its lack of clarity and confusing nature. Positive reviews highlight its engaging and thought-provoking narrative, while negative feedback points out pacing issues and an overreliance on mysterious elements. Overall, the story is polarizing, with some finding it captivating and others struggling to connect with its cryptic nature.

The opinions of the critics regarding the story of Layers of Fear 2 are quite diverse. Many critics praise the story for its intriguing and thought-provoking elements. But Why Tho? describes it as "trippy and thought-provoking," while Pure Nintendo mentions that it is "suspenseful and layered." These critics appreciate the narrative's ability to keep the player engaged and questioning what is real and what is in their head. TheXboxHub even goes as far as calling the story excellent, poetic, scary, and beautiful. These positive opinions highlight the game's ability to create a haunting and emotionally impactful experience. However, not all critics share the same enthusiasm for the story. Nintendo Life criticizes the game for taking too long to establish a solid narrative foothold and lacking a clear purpose to propel the player forward. They also mention that the mediocre gameplay hinders the engagement with the story. PC Gamer finds the plot confused and lacking cohesion, while TheSixthAxis criticizes it for being obtuse and pretentious. These negative opinions suggest that the story may suffer from pacing issues, lack of clarity, and an overreliance on mysterious elements that hinder the overall understanding and enjoyment of the narrative. Overall, the consensus among the critics is mixed. While some appreciate the story's depth and emotional impact, others find it confusing and lacking direction. Critics like CGMagazine and RPG Fan mention that the story demands thought and exploration from the player to fully understand its intricacies. On the other hand, critics like Game Informer and Push Square criticize the narrative for being vague and confusing. The varying opinions suggest that the story of Layers of Fear 2 is a polarizing aspect of the game, with some players finding it engaging and thought-provoking, while others struggle to connect with its cryptic and fragmented nature.


Critics have mixed opinions on the gameplay of Layers of Fear 2. Positive feedback praises the exploration, puzzles, and interaction, while negative feedback criticizes repetitive scare tactics, frustrating sections, and boring puzzles. Some find the gameplay engaging and rewarding, while others feel it lacks immersion and satisfaction. Players should consider these varied perspectives before diving in.

In analyzing the opinions of the critics regarding the gameplay of Layers of Fear 2, it is evident that there are both positive and negative aspects to consider. Several critics, such as But Why Tho? and Universo Nintendo, highlight the positive aspects of the gameplay, emphasizing the exploration and interaction with objects. The game offers puzzles to solve, items to find and collect, and hidden items and messages to discover, providing a sense of engagement and reward for the player. IGN also praises the gameplay, specifically mentioning the splendid puzzles that inform the events of the story and make each puzzle feel different than the last. These positive opinions indicate that the gameplay of Layers of Fear 2 has elements that can be enjoyable and satisfying for players. However, there are also several negative opinions regarding the gameplay. Critics like Nintendo Life and Noisy Pixel criticize the over-dependence on hackneyed scare tactics, frustrating insta-kill sections, and boring puzzles. The gameplay is described as repetitive and fails to engage or reward the player. Additionally, CGMagazine mentions issues with pacing, getting tangled up and lost, and unnecessarily complicated triggers. These negative aspects suggest that the gameplay of Layers of Fear 2 may not consistently deliver a satisfying and immersive experience for players. Overall, the consensus among the critics regarding the gameplay of Layers of Fear 2 is mixed. While some critics appreciate the emphasis on exploration, interaction, and puzzle-solving, others find the gameplay repetitive, frustrating, and lacking in engagement. The opinions of critics such as Pure Nintendo and TheXboxHub highlight the similarities to the previous game and minimal interaction, while critics like The Indie Game Website and Cubed3 find aspects of the gameplay hindered by cliches and trial-and-error chase sequences. It is important for players to consider these varied opinions and determine whether the gameplay elements mentioned align with their own preferences and expectations.


Critics rave about Layers of Fear 2's graphics and visual design, praising its attention to detail, creepy visuals, and stunning imagery. While some mention minor issues like stylistic consistency and repetitive elements, the overall consensus is highly positive. The game impresses with its realistic graphics, clever design choices, and ability to create immersive and eerie environments.

The opinions of the critics regarding the Graphics and Visual Design of Layers of Fear 2 are overwhelmingly positive. Many critics praise the game for its attention to detail, expert cuts, and creepy visuals. The environments and sets are well-crafted, with stunning imagery and clever lighting choices. Critics like But Why Tho? and Pure Nintendo highlight the realistic graphics and well-designed different environments that are interesting to explore. The game's visuals are often described as stunning, with lifelike lighting, vibrant colors, and a sense of physicality. Reviewers such as Hardcore Gamer and IGN appreciate the game's remarkable attention to detail, clever environment-changing design, and the ability to create surreal and nightmarish environments. The visual treatment is also commended for its crispness, with meticulously crafted and period-appropriate corridors on the ship, as mentioned by PlayStation Country. While the majority of critics have positive opinions about the graphics and visual design, there are a few minor criticisms. Some critics, such as PC Gamer, mention that the game struggles with stylistic consistency and that the horror sequences are overshadowed by segments where nothing much happens. The use of mannequins is also criticized by Xbox Tavern, as it becomes laughable and repetitive. Additionally, The SixthAxis notes that some visual tricks and references to films feel familiar from the first game, which may lessen the impact for players who are familiar with the franchise. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the Graphics and Visual Design of Layers of Fear 2 are highly impressive. The game's visuals are praised for their stunning attention to detail, clever design choices, and ability to create a sense of unease and immersion. The environments are often described as diverse, authentic, and rich in details. The game's ability to seamlessly blend different environments and scenes is also appreciated. The positive opinions of critics like Noisy Pixel, CGMagazine, and Game Informer further support the overall consensus that the graphics and visual design of Layers of Fear 2 are top-notch.


Critics praised Layers of Fear 2 for its chilling sound design, spooky audio effects, and effective music that enhanced the horror experience. Positive highlights included standout sound effects, haunting original score, and well-delivered voice acting. However, some critics felt that the sound design didn't always enhance the atmosphere and the game lacked genuine scares. Overall, the majority of reviewers agreed that the sound design and music successfully immersed players in the unsettling atmosphere and psychological horror of the game.

Layers of Fear 2 received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the majority of critics regarding its sound design and music. The first paragraph will focus on the positive aspects mentioned by the reviewers. Critics such as But Why Tho? and Pure Nintendo praised the game for its chilling sounds, spooky audio spatial sounds, and effective audio effects that created jumpscares and filled players with dread. The voice acting was also highly praised, with Noisy Pixel highlighting the performance of the Director and Destructoid mentioning the well-delivered narration by Tony Todd. The music was also commended by critics like Hardcore Gamer and Cubed3, with mentions of standout sound effects, a haunting original score, and a smooth recurring song that fits the classic Hollywood theme. The expert use of silence, creepy sounds, and unpleasant instrumentation was also noted by RPG Fan. Moving on to the negatives, there were a few criticisms regarding the sound design and music of Layers of Fear 2. PlayStation Country mentioned that while the sound design provided stingers and shocks, it didn't enhance the atmosphere. Push Square noted that while the audio cues and visuals created a foreboding atmosphere, the game lacked genuine scares. Xbox Tavern mentioned that while the voice acting was well-scripted and played with the player's mind, the storytelling was confusing and lacked clarity. Additionally, Xbox Tavern also pointed out that the sound design included random occurrences that felt predictable. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the sound design and music of Layers of Fear 2 were very good. The majority of reviewers praised the game for its ability to enhance the horror experience through its sound design. COGconnected mentioned that the sound design and music contributed to the frightful and disorienting atmosphere of the game, while Screen Rant highlighted the delicate and atmospheric moments accompanied by building music that created a sense of dread. The Indie Game Website also commended the impressive sound design, particularly the elements of the ship's sounds and haunting original score that established a lonesome, threatening tone. The positive feedback from multiple critics suggests that the sound design and music were successful in immersing players in the unsettling atmosphere and psychological horror of Layers of Fear 2.


Critics mostly praised the voice acting in Layers of Fear 2, especially Tony Todd as The Director for his standout performance. The voices added to the immersive and unsettling atmosphere of the game. However, some critics found the dialogue detached and pretentious, though overall, the voice acting was considered a strong asset that contributed effectively to the game's atmosphere and narrative.

The voice acting in Layers of Fear 2 has received mostly positive reviews from the critics. Many reviewers praised the performances of the voice actors, particularly Tony Todd as The Director. Critics such as Noisy Pixel, Screen Rant, and The Indie Game Website all highlighted the strong voice acting and how it added to the immersive experience and unsettling atmosphere of the game. The deep, gravelly voice of The Director, guided the player and created tension, according to The Indie Game Website. Tony Todd's performance as The Director was also described as standing out by Noisy Pixel. The talented cast was also commended for bringing the poetic scriptwriting to life, as mentioned by Cubed3. Overall, the positive aspects of the voice acting in Layers of Fear 2 include great performances, strong delivery, and an effective contribution to the game's atmosphere. However, there were some criticisms regarding the voice acting in Layers of Fear 2. Destructoid mentioned that while Tony Todd's lines were well-delivered, the detachment from the writing worked against the game's psychological horror. TheSixthAxis described the voice overs and imagery in the game as obtuse and pretentious, comparing The Director's taunts to Jigsaw from the 'Saw' franchise. IGN also mentioned that the dialogue bordered on the nonsensical at times, although they still found the delirious diatribes of The Director and the performance of Lily's younger brother to be earnest and impressive. These criticisms suggest that while the voice acting had its strengths, there were instances where it may have missed the mark in terms of enhancing the overall experience. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the voice acting in Layers of Fear 2 is well-done and adds to the game's atmosphere. The majority of reviewers praised the performances of the voice actors, particularly Tony Todd as The Director. They commended the strong delivery, the immersive experience it created, and how it contributed to the unsettling atmosphere of the game. While there were some criticisms regarding detachment from the writing and occasional nonsensical dialogue, the positive aspects of the voice acting outweighed the negatives. The overall sentiment towards the voice acting in Layers of Fear 2 is positive, with critics highlighting its effectiveness in enhancing the game's atmosphere and narrative.


Layers of Fear 2 shines on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One with smooth performance, while PC version faces optimization problems and control issues. PS4 version has glitches but nothing game-breaking. Overall, critics see improvements in performance compared to the first game.

In terms of the technical performance of Layers of Fear 2, the opinions of the critics varied depending on the gaming platform. Starting with the positives, the game was generally praised for its performance on the Nintendo Switch. COGconnected mentioned that the game runs better when locked at 30 fps, while Noisy Pixel stated that the game performs surprisingly well on the Switch, with an option for an uncapped framerate. These reviews indicate that the game runs smoothly on the Switch, with only occasional dips in performance. Additionally, GameSpew noted that the performance on Xbox One has been massively improved since the first game, suggesting that the developers have made significant optimizations. Moving on to the negatives, the PC version of the game received some criticism. Hardcore Gamer mentioned optimization problems, including occasional frame rate drops and sluggish rendering. RPG Fan highlighted issues with controls, such as doors getting stuck mid-opening or having to be opened using the opposite direction. These reviews indicate that the PC version of Layers of Fear 2 suffers from technical issues that can impact the overall gameplay experience. Cubed3 also mentioned various glitches and bugs on the PS4 version, including disappearing assets, underwater audio, framerate stutters, and long loading times. However, it is worth noting that no game-breaking issues were encountered. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the technical performance of Layers of Fear 2 is generally solid on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. The game runs smoothly on these platforms, with only minor issues mentioned. However, the PC version seems to have more significant technical problems, including optimization issues and control glitches. While the PS4 version also had some technical issues, the overall impact on gameplay was not considered game-breaking. Despite these technical shortcomings, the critics generally agreed that the performance improvements in Layers of Fear 2 compared to its predecessor were noticeable, as mentioned by Push Square.


Critics are divided on the replay value of Layers of Fear 2. Some praise its multiple endings and incentives for replaying, while others find the repetitive elements and simplistic choices less appealing. Overall, the game's replayability varies based on individual preferences.

The opinions of the critics regarding the replay value of Layers of Fear 2 are mixed. Some critics, such as But Why Tho?, Pure Nintendo, Hardcore Gamer, Screen Rant, and Push Square, highlight the game's multiple endings and the ability to make different choices and explore to uncover collectibles as positive aspects that contribute to its replay value. These critics appreciate the incentives provided by the game to replay it and discover new nuances in the story. They believe that the game offers enough content and variation to warrant multiple playthroughs. On the other hand, critics like Nintendo Life, CGMagazine, RPG Fan, The Indie Game Website, GameSpew, and Stevivor express more reservations about the replay value of Layers of Fear 2. They mention that while the game does offer multiple endings and collectibles, the idea of going through the game again may not hold a huge appeal for some players. These critics argue that replaying the game may water down the experience or feel like a chore due to repetitive elements such as chases and branching paths. They believe that the choices leading to the different endings are clear and one-dimensional, which may diminish the overall replay value. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Layers of Fear 2 does offer some replay value, but its appeal may vary depending on the player's preferences. The game's multiple endings, collectibles, and ability to make different choices are seen as positive aspects that enhance the replayability for some critics. However, others express concerns about the repetitive nature of certain elements and the lack of depth in the choices, which may limit the game's overall replay value. It is worth noting that the critics' opinions are not unanimous, with some emphasizing the positive aspects more strongly, while others are more critical of the game's replay value.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Layers of Fear 2 divides critics with praise for its immersive horror experience, detailed scenes, and masterful storytelling, but faces criticism for predictable scares, repetitive gameplay, and a hazy story. While some laud its atmosphere and puzzles, others fault it for lacking originality and failing to deliver on its chilling setup. Overall, the game appeals to horror fans for its immersive storytelling and atmosphere, but falls short for those seeking a more innovative experience.

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140 reviews found


May 24, 2019

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Layers of Fear 2 is an astonishing feat of storytelling with splendid puzzles, remarkable attention to detail, and masterful sound design.

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May 19, 2021

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Layers of Fear 2 is a highly impactful horror game that retains its atmosphere and detail on the Switch, offering the convenience of handheld play

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May 24, 2019

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Layers of Fear 2 is another horror masterpiece that improves on what the original accomplished.


May 27, 2019

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The review concludes that if you are a fan of horror games and enjoyed the first Layers of Fear, you will enjoy the enhanced storytelling, puzzles, visuals, and sound design of Layers of Fear 2. However, if you are not a fan of the horror genre, the game may not appeal to you.

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Jun 1, 2021

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Layers of Fear 2 is a fun horror game that focuses on psychological terror and provides a suspenseful experience.

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May 28, 2019

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Layers of Fear 2 is a fresh and captivating horror experience with a thought-provoking story and suspenseful atmosphere.

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May 30, 2019

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Layers of Fear 2 is an improvement over the original, with its flaws but still recommended for lovers of the horror genre. It captures the fear and thrill of the game and stands out as a unique horror experience.

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May 19, 2021

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Layers of Fear 2 on the Nintendo Switch may not be as scary as its console versions, but it is still creepy and thought-provoking. The well-crafted scenes and immersive experience make it worth playing.

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May 24, 2019

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Layers of Fear 2 is a cryptic horror game with a strong story, impressive visuals, and satisfying gameplay. It offers a short but immersive experience that rewards exploration and multiple playthroughs.

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Jun 1, 2021

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Layers of Fear 2 is a surreal and frightful experience that is thought-provoking and disorienting. The decision to port it to the Nintendo Switch is a welcome one, despite some flaws in puzzles and gameplay.

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