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Metroid Dread

GenresAdventure, Action, Platformer, Shooter, Open World, Mystery, Single Player
AvailableOct 8, 2021
PlatformNintendo Switch
DeveloperMercury Steam, Nintendo

Metroid Dread is a cancelled DS game for the Metroid series that was later reworked into the Nintendo Switch game of the same name. The game is notable for being in development hell, having been originally developed for the Nintendo DS. This early version of the game has never been publicly shown off. This early version has the same basic premise as the final one, with Samus trapped on an alien world, trying to survive against an unstoppable foe. And as it's a sequel to Metroid Fusion, it presumably would have carried the plot point of Samus being on the run from the Galactic Federation. No prototype builds or ROMs have ever surfaced for this DS version, and it is unlikely Nintendo will release any. It's a possibility that concept art or screenshots of this early version will be revealed in the upcoming art book, as Nintendo is open to talking about Metroid Dread's development history. Liam Robertson of Unseen64 claims that a synopsis of the game was given out to select members of the press. And in 2010, IGN's Craig Harris said in a podcast that he had seen a complete script for Metroid Dread, and that "Nintendo could use it anytime they wanted." It's possible that this was the synopsis that Liam Robertson was referring to. After the 2021 announcement of the game, Harris was asked on Twitter if he remembered anything from this script. He said he didn't

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Critics praise Metroid Dread for its engaging narrative, character development, and atmospheric world-building that adds to the anxiety-inducing adventure. However, some express concerns about the storytelling, including a lack of memorable moments and annoying AI companions. Overall, the game successfully continues the Metroid storyline with a mix of engaging elements, intriguing lore, and fresh challenges, making it a worthy addition for fans and newcomers.

The critics generally praise the story of Metroid Dread for its engaging and mysterious narrative that builds upon the lore of the Metroid universe. Critics like But Why Tho? and Nintendo Enthusiast appreciate the twists and revelations that keep players intrigued, with strong character development for Samus Aran through body language and actions. Game Informer highlights the haunting atmosphere and ominous tone, inspired by the Alien film franchise, which adds to the anxiety-inducing nature of the adventure. Additionally, critics such as Digital Spy and Forbes commend the incorporation of Chozo lore and ties to previous games like Metroid Fusion, providing a satisfying continuation of the Metroid saga. On the other hand, some critics express concerns about the storytelling in Metroid Dread. CGMagazine and Wccftech mention that while the encounters with the E.M.M.I. bots are engaging, the overall narrative may feel less memorable or lacking in characterization and growth. Shindig criticizes the annoying AI companion that over-explains details, disrupting the minimal exposition that was appreciated by other reviewers. Additionally, Guardian notes that the game offers little storytelling beyond text panels and cutscenes at the start, which may leave some players feeling disconnected from the narrative. Overall, the consensus among critics is that Metroid Dread successfully continues the Metroid storyline, offering a mix of engaging storytelling elements, intriguing lore, and atmospheric world-building. The game strikes a balance between delivering a compelling narrative that builds upon previous entries, as acknowledged by critics like Destructoid and Nintendo Life, while also providing a fresh take on the franchise with new challenges and mysteries, as seen in reviews from TheGamer and TheSixthAxis. Despite some criticisms regarding pacing and exposition, the majority of critics appreciate the way the story unfolds and the impact it has on the overall gameplay experience, making Metroid Dread a worthy addition to the Metroid series for both longtime fans and newcomers alike.


Metroid Dread's gameplay wowed critics with its satisfying combat, fluid controls, and perfect balance of exploration and progression. New abilities and challenging boss fights impressed, but some critics found awkward controls and a lack of challenge. Despite minor flaws, the majority of critics agree that Metroid Dread offers a masterful gameplay experience that combines classic elements with innovative features for a compelling and enjoyable adventure.

The majority of critics praised the gameplay of Metroid Dread, highlighting its strong points such as satisfying combat mechanics, fluid controls, and a well-balanced mix of exploration and progression. Critics like But Why Tho? and Pure Nintendo appreciated the addition of new abilities and moves that enhanced the immersive experience. The game's core loop of exploring, finding upgrades, and defeating bosses was commended by reviewers such as New Game Network and Nintendo Insider. The inclusion of challenging boss encounters, innovative gameplay elements like the counter system, and the fluid traversal mechanics were also positively mentioned by various critics, showcasing the depth and quality of the gameplay experience. On the downside, some critics pointed out certain issues with the gameplay of Metroid Dread. For instance, GamingTrend mentioned that some abilities and controls felt awkward, especially during boss fights, which could potentially disrupt the overall gameplay experience. Pocket Gamer UK highlighted that while the core action was slick, certain moves didn't feel as tactile and intuitive as they should, leading to moments of punishment and frustration. Video Chums noted that the game lacked a survival element and was surprisingly unchallenging in some aspects, which might have detracted from the overall engagement for some players. These criticisms suggest that while the majority of critics found the gameplay to be excellent, there were still some areas that could be improved upon to enhance the overall experience. Overall, the consensus among critics is overwhelmingly positive regarding the gameplay of Metroid Dread. The game successfully captures the essence of classic Metroidvania gameplay while introducing new mechanics and challenges to keep the experience fresh and engaging. Critics like Game Informer and Impulsegamer praised the rewarding exploration, engaging combat, and the introduction of new elements like E.M.M.I. enemies that added tension and excitement. While there were minor issues highlighted by some reviewers, the general sentiment is that Metroid Dread delivers a masterful gameplay experience that stays true to the series' roots while innovating in meaningful ways. Players can expect a satisfying blend of action, exploration, and challenging encounters that make for a compelling and enjoyable gaming experience.


Critics rave about Metroid Dread's stunning Graphics and Visual Design, praising its gorgeous visuals, intricate character designs, and visually striking stage designs blending 2D and 3D elements. While some noted drawbacks like environments blending together and occasional hardware limitations on the Switch, the overwhelming consensus is highly positive. The game is lauded for its impressive art direction, detailed environments, and immersive experience that captivates both longtime fans and newcomers to the franchise.

The majority of critics praised the Graphics and Visual Design of Metroid Dread, highlighting various positive aspects. Critics like But Why Tho? and Nintendo Life commended the game for its gorgeous visuals, intricate character designs, stunning lighting effects, and detailed environments. CGMagazine and Dexerto appreciated the rich depth and diversity in the environments, with every pixel coming to life and the fusion of 2D and 3D elements creating visually striking stage designs. Impulsegamer and Pure Nintendo also lauded the game for its crisp visuals, smooth animations, and oppressive art style that resonates with the franchise's roots. The use of vibrant and dynamic environments, as mentioned by Screen Rant and Telegraph, enhanced the exploration experience and showcased a variety of biomes and hazards, contributing to the overall aesthetic appeal. On the flip side, some critics pointed out certain drawbacks in the Graphics and Visual Design of Metroid Dread. GamingTrend and Guardian noted that the environments, while expansive, could blend together and lack distinctiveness, making navigation and visibility of important elements challenging. Game Revolution mentioned occasional stuttering and slowdown due to the limitations of the Switch hardware, impacting the overall experience. Additionally, Game Informer highlighted a lack of spooky or claustrophobic atmosphere, suggesting that the graphical design didn't evoke much dread, which could potentially detract from the immersion for some players. Overall, the consensus among critics overwhelmingly leans towards the positive side, with the majority expressing high praise for the Graphics and Visual Design of Metroid Dread. The game is widely regarded as visually impressive, with stunning backgrounds, intricate character designs, and a wide visual palette that enhances the overall experience. Critics like Forbes and Nintendo Insider highlighted the detailed environments, impressive effects, and strong art direction that make Metroid Dread one of the best-looking games in the series. Despite some minor criticisms regarding navigation issues and hardware limitations, the overall sentiment is that Metroid Dread excels in delivering a visually captivating and immersive experience that resonates with both longtime fans and newcomers to the franchise.


Critics rave about the exceptional sound design and music in Metroid Dread, praising its quality and how it enhances the gaming experience. Despite some minor critiques, the overall consensus is overwhelmingly positive, with the soundtrack described as superb and the sound effects well-executed. The game's audio elements, including ambient music and environmental sounds, contribute to its immersive and tension-filled gameplay, earning high praise from reviewers.

The majority of critics unanimously praised the sound design and music of Metroid Dread, highlighting its exceptional quality and how it greatly enhanced the overall gaming experience. App Trigger commended the game for its "great sound design" with perfectly toned music and background sound effects that elevated the atmosphere. Nintendo Enthusiast also lauded the satisfying sound design, emphasizing how every sound effect was well-executed, and how the soundtrack effectively set the mood for each region. Additionally, Nintendo Life described the soundtrack as "absolutely superb" with classic Metroid sounds and modernized audio, showcasing the game's excellence in this aspect. While the overwhelming sentiment towards the sound design and music of Metroid Dread was positive, there were a few minor criticisms mentioned by some critics. Slant Magazine noted that the score traded eerie soundscapes for a more distorted, synth-infused ambience, which might not have resonated as well with all players. TheSixthAxis mentioned a dramatic tone shift in E.M.M.I. zones, which could potentially be unsettling for some players due to the grainy filter, muted colors, and unsettling beeps and boops. These critiques, however, were overshadowed by the overall acclaim for the game's audio elements. In conclusion, the consensus among the critics is overwhelmingly positive regarding the sound design and music of Metroid Dread. CGMagazine praised the ambient music and environmental sounds for adding a level of creepiness to the gameplay, while IndieWire highlighted the tension-fueled fun in E.M.M.I. sections. New Game Network emphasized the immersive soundtrack that fit the world well, further contributing to the unsettling vibe of being hunted. Overall, the critics' opinions collectively indicate that the sound design and music of Metroid Dread greatly succeeded in elevating the atmospheric experience of the game, making it a standout feature that received high praise across the board.


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Critics mostly praised Metroid Dread on the Nintendo Switch for its smooth 60 FPS gameplay and visually impressive experience, with some highlighting occasional performance dips. However, some critics noted stuttering, slowdowns, and hardware limitations impacting the overall gameplay. Despite minor issues, critics generally found the technical performance satisfactory for an enjoyable gaming experience.

In terms of the technical performance on the Nintendo Switch for Metroid Dread, the majority of critics highlighted several positives. Critics like Impulsegamer and New Game Network praised the game for maintaining a consistent 60 frames per second frame rate, providing a visually impressive and smooth experience. also appreciated the forgiving nature of the game with numerous save points and a fair difficulty level. IGN noted the smooth performance during action sequences without any frame drops, contributing to an enjoyable gameplay experience. Additionally, Pure Nintendo and Worth Playing commended the game for running smoothly at 60 FPS with only occasional slowdowns, ensuring a stable performance overall. On the flip side, there were some negatives mentioned by critics regarding the technical performance of Metroid Dread on the Nintendo Switch. Game Revolution pointed out instances of stuttering and slowdown during gameplay, attributing them to the evident hardware limitations of the Switch, which impacted the overall experience. Pocket Gamer UK highlighted the exposure of the Switch's technical limitations during extended in-between-world travel cutscenes, leading to pacing issues in the game. GameSkinny also mentioned slow load times and the potential to get lost in maps as drawbacks affecting the technical performance on the Switch. Overall, the consensus among critics regarding the technical performance of Metroid Dread on the Nintendo Switch leans towards a positive experience with some minor issues. The game generally delivers a stable performance with smooth gameplay and impressive visuals, as noted by critics like Nintendo Life and Easy Allies. While there were occasional dips in performance and some hardware limitations affecting certain aspects of the game, the majority of critics found the technical performance to be satisfactory for an enjoyable gaming experience.


Metroid Dread is praised for its replay value, with critics highlighting exploration, hidden items, and engaging gameplay mechanics. Positive aspects include intentional sequence breaks, hidden paths, and a redesigned Speedbooster mechanic. However, some critics mention drawbacks like challenging collectibles and recycled boss fights that may impact replayability. Overall, the game offers a satisfying experience for fans and newcomers, encouraging multiple playthroughs to uncover secrets and master gameplay mechanics.

The critics generally agree that Metroid Dread offers significant replay value through various aspects. Positive aspects highlighted by the critics include the game's exploration, hidden items, and engaging gameplay mechanics. Destructoid praises the game for its replay value through exploration, while Easy Allies appreciates the optional secrets and strong sense of discovery that enhance replayability. Nintendo Enthusiast commends the intentional sequence breaks and hidden paths that can drastically change exploration and progression, along with the redesigned Speedbooster mechanic that adds versatility to traversal and puzzles. These elements contribute to an enjoyable experience for both existing fans and newcomers, encouraging multiple playthroughs to uncover all the secrets and master the gameplay mechanics. On the negative side, some critics point out potential drawbacks that may hinder the replay value for certain players. GamingTrend mentions that some collectibles and upgrades may feel unreasonable to obtain, potentially impacting replayability. IndieWire criticizes the linear world with limited customization options for controls, recycled boss fights, and dated power-ups, which may limit the game's replay value for those seeking a more varied experience. Siliconera notes that while the game offers anti-frustration features to assist with backtracking, the process itself can still feel daunting, potentially deterring players from exploring the game thoroughly in subsequent playthroughs. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Metroid Dread offers substantial replay value, with a focus on exploration, hidden secrets, and engaging gameplay mechanics. Critics like Dexerto appreciate the game's rewards for persistence and inquisitiveness, while Nintendo Life highlights the satisfaction of discovering secrets, collectibles, and upgrades that encourage multiple playthroughs. Despite some concerns raised by critics such as IndieWire and GamingTrend regarding certain aspects of the game that may impact replayability, the overall sentiment is positive towards the game's ability to provide an enjoyable and engaging experience that invites players to revisit the world of Metroid Dread for further exploration and mastery.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Metroid Dread is hailed as a triumphant return for the franchise, blending old-school roots with modern design. Critics praise its polished gameplay, engaging story, and impressive visuals, making it a must-play for fans and newcomers. While some mention issues with UI and lack of depth for newcomers, the general consensus is overwhelmingly positive. The game's challenging gameplay and atmospheric storytelling cement its position as one of the best in the Metroid series.

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Oct 6, 2021

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Metroid Dread is praised as an instant classic, offering a seamless blend of exploration, combat, puzzle-solving, and storytelling, creating one of the most engaging experiences on Nintendo Switch.

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Oct 6, 2021

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Metroid Dread is a triumphant return for the franchise, a super-slick, hugely entertaining, and exquisitely designed entry that could be the best Metroid game ever.

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Oct 8, 2021

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Metroid Dread is a decades-in-the-making celebration of 2D Metroid that lives up to its name, offering expansive exploration, fantastic horror elements, and beautiful design, despite some difficulty spikes and clunky story delivery.

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Oct 23, 2021

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Metroid Dread is a must-own title and one of the best games in the series, delivering a rewarding and challenging experience.

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Oct 15, 2021

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Metroid Dread delivers what fans have waited for and more, building a familiar yet unique experience with brand new ideas to help push the genre forward.

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Nov 15, 2021

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Metroid Dread is an excellent must-play title for newcomers and fans alike

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Oct 13, 2021

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Metroid Dread is a must-play title that finally gives the series the care it deserves.


Oct 14, 2021

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Metroid Dread is a highly anticipated title that lives up to the expectations. It sets the bar for the action genre with its atmosphere, gameplay, and engaging story. The game is brilliantly dreadful.

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Oct 10, 2021

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Metroid Dread is an amazing return for Samus, even for someone who's not normally fond of Metroidvania-style games

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Oct 18, 2021

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Metroid Dread is one of the best looking, compelling, and fun exclusives on the Nintendo Switch, blending old-school roots with modern design and gameplay considerations. It is a must-play title for both long-time fans and newcomers.

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