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GenresFantasy, Adventure, Indie, Action, Third Person Perspective, Platformer, Artistic, Puzzle and Logic, Mystery, Single Player
AvailableMay 26, 2017
PlatformPC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
DeveloperTequila Works, QLOC

A third-person exploratory action/adventure title in which a boy ends up on a mysterious island and makes his way through its highly stylized environments, containing puzzles and slight navigation challenges, to get to the bottom of why he's ended up there and to reach the end of the road he's inadvertently begun to travel.

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Critics have mixed opinions on RiME's story - praised for emotional depth by some like God is a Geek, but criticized for being confusing and lacking impact by others like GameSpot. While some found the narrative touching and thought-provoking, others felt it lacked depth and proper foreshadowing. Despite flaws, RiME offers a unique and moving storytelling experience through environmental cues, evoking strong emotional responses in players.

The story of RiME has garnered praise from several critics for its emotional depth and impactful narrative. Critics like God is a Geek and PlayStation LifeStyle commend the game for its emotional storytelling, with God is a Geek specifically highlighting the brilliant exposition and moving themes present in the story. The narrative is described as emotive, impactful, and thought-provoking by IGN Spain and Wired UK, emphasizing its ability to evoke strong emotional responses from players. Additionally, Worth Playing appreciates the emotional journey presented in RiME, noting how the game's dramatic moments can leave players in tears and encourage replayability to uncover missed details. On the other hand, some critics found shortcomings in the storytelling of RiME. GameSpot and ZTGD criticize the story for being incomprehensible and confusing, with unresolved plot threads and a payoff that left them scratching their heads. Adventure Gamers and Metro GameCentral mention that while the story has moments of mystery and poignancy, it ultimately lacks depth, impact, and proper foreshadowing, leading to an abrupt ending. Gameplanet and NZGamer express concerns about the narrative drifting and lacking emotional punches, with themes of innocence and loss not fully explored, creating a disconnect between gameplay and story elements. Overall, the opinions on the story of RiME are mixed but tend to lean towards the positive side. Critics appreciate the game's ability to convey complex emotions and themes through environmental storytelling and visual cues, with a gradual unfolding of the narrative that culminates in a satisfying and affecting conclusion. While some critics found the story to be vague or lacking in clarity, many others laud RiME for its touching and emotional storytelling that resonates with players on a deep level. The consensus among critics is that RiME offers a unique and moving narrative experience that, despite some flaws in execution, successfully delivers a heartfelt and thought-provoking journey for players to immerse themselves in.


RiME impresses with its exploration and puzzles, praised for engaging mechanics and diverse challenges. However, some critics point out technical problems, frustrating controls, and shallow puzzles that hinder the overall experience. The game offers a mix of wonder and frustration, with a meditative atmosphere and emotionally resonant gameplay, but struggles with innovation and difficulty.

The gameplay of RiME has received praise for its emphasis on exploration and puzzle-solving, with a variety of mechanics such as light manipulation, shadow puzzles, and environmental interactions contributing to a cohesive and engaging experience. Critics like GameCrate and Digitally Downloaded appreciate the gratifying puzzles and smooth controls that enhance the overall gameplay. The game offers a sense of wonder and discovery, with puzzles that are satisfying to solve and a good level of variety, as noted by Vooks and Post Arcade. On the flip side, some critics have pointed out shortcomings in RiME's gameplay. Issues such as technical problems impacting gameplay fluidity, as highlighted by IGN Spain, and frustrating control schemes affecting platforming, as mentioned by Twinfinite, detract from the overall experience. GameSpot and The Jimquisition criticize the shallow and uninteresting puzzles, with repetitive gameplay loops and lack of challenge hindering the enjoyment of the game. Overall, the consensus among critics seems to lean towards RiME providing a mixed gameplay experience. While the game excels in creating a meditative and explorative atmosphere, with engaging puzzles and thematic challenges, there are notable drawbacks such as lack of innovation in puzzle design, occasional performance issues, and a perceived lack of overall challenge. Eurogamer Italy's positive assessment of the game's balanced mix of exploration, puzzles, and platforming is contrasted by GameSpot's frustration with shallow puzzles and poor signposting. Despite its flaws, RiME manages to deliver a unique and emotionally resonant gameplay experience that resonates with some critics, while falling short in certain aspects for others.


Critics mostly praised RiME for its stunning visuals and artistic presentation, especially its vibrant colors and dreamlike atmosphere. However, there were criticisms, especially on the Nintendo Switch version, citing graphical flaws like poor resolution and frame rate issues. Despite some platform-specific problems, RiME was commended for its beautiful landscapes, detailed design, and thematic visuals that enhance the immersive experience.

In analyzing the opinions of several videogame reviewers regarding the Graphics and Visual Design of RiME, it is evident that the majority of critics found the game's graphics to be very good. Many critics praised the game for its stunning visuals, vibrant colors, and artistic presentation. Critics like Guardian and PlayStation LifeStyle highlighted the timeless cartoonish, cel-shaded graphics and artistically stunning visuals that create a dreamlike atmosphere. The game was commended for its beautiful landscapes, detailed level design, and cohesive visual style that effectively conveys the game's world and themes, as noted by PC PowerPlay and Game Informer. However, despite the overall positive reception, there were notable criticisms regarding the graphics and visual design of RiME, particularly on the Nintendo Switch platform. Critics such as IGN Spain, Vooks, and GamingTrend pointed out significant graphical flaws on the Switch port, including lack of definition, limited draw distance, and subdued colors. The game was criticized for poor visual resolution, texture edges appearing jagged, and blurred backgrounds on the Switch version. Additionally, some critics mentioned technical issues like sporadic frame rate drops, compromised resolution in portable mode, and inconsistent framerate, which detracted from the overall visual experience. Overall, while there were some criticisms directed towards specific platforms like the Nintendo Switch, the general consensus among critics is that RiME boasts a visually stunning and artistically compelling design. The game's cel-shaded art style, vibrant colors, and meticulous environments were widely praised for creating a captivating and immersive experience. Critics appreciated the game's thematic distinctiveness, compelling visuals that evoke different emotions, and the use of color as a guide for players in navigation and puzzle-solving. Despite some platform-specific issues, RiME was lauded for its beautiful world-building, breathtaking vistas, and distinct visual styles that contribute to the game's standout presentation, making it a visually impressive and memorable gaming experience for many reviewers.


Critics rave about RiME's sound design and music, praising its emotional impact and immersive qualities. The orchestral compositions by David García Díaz and Akira Yamaoka are lauded for creating a deep connection with players. While some critics noted shortcomings in narrative drive and pacing, overall consensus is overwhelmingly positive, with many highlighting the music's crucial role in enhancing the game's atmosphere and emotional depth. RiME's soundtrack stands out as a standout aspect of the player experience.

The majority of critics overwhelmingly praised the sound design and music of RiME, with many highlighting the emotionally impactful and immersive qualities of the soundtrack. Critics like GameSpot, who described the soundtrack as "beautiful" and capable of evoking various emotions, and GameSpew, who found the score to be "incredible" and emotive, emphasized how the music enhanced the game's atmosphere and player experience. The orchestral compositions by David García Díaz and Akira Yamaoka were commended for effectively conveying the emotional weight of the narrative, creating a deep connection with the player, and enhancing storytelling, as noted by PlayStation LifeStyle and Digitally Downloaded. On the flip side, some critics pointed out areas where the sound design and music of RiME fell short. PC Gamer mentioned that while the music was nice, it may not have felt fully earned due to the lack of a strong narrative drive, potentially hindering the creation of a deep emotional connection. Polygon also noted that while the score was beautifully orchestrated, it failed to elevate the game during slower moments, feeling somewhat languid. These critiques suggest that while the music was generally well-received, there were instances where it may not have fully hit the mark in terms of enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Overall, the consensus among critics is overwhelmingly positive regarding the sound design and music of RiME. The majority of reviewers found the soundtrack to be moving, emotionally impactful, and immersive, with many praising the orchestral compositions and ambient sounds for enhancing the game's atmosphere and emotional depth. Critics like Push Square and Gameplanet highlighted the outstanding quality of the music, while GameSpew and PlayStation LifeStyle emphasized its crucial role in tying together the visuals and themes of the game. Despite some minor criticisms regarding narrative connection and pacing, the general sentiment is that the sound design and music of RiME significantly contributed to the overall success and emotional resonance of the game, making it a standout aspect of the player experience.


Critics have mixed opinions on the voice acting in RiME. While some appreciate the protagonist's character development through animation, others find the minimal use of voice acting a missed opportunity. However, reviewers agree that RiME effectively conveys emotions and storytelling through unconventional methods, enhancing the immersive experience for players.

The opinions of the critics regarding the Voice Acting in RiME are varied but generally positive. Game Informer, Game Informer, and Game Informer all noted that while there is no actual dialogue in the game, the protagonist's character is effectively developed through animation, which adds depth and connection to the player. This approach seems to have resonated well with the reviewers, as it allows for a more immersive experience without the need for traditional voice acting. Additionally, God is a Geek highlighted how the player's voice is used effectively to express emotions, enhancing the overall storytelling experience. On the downside, Adventure Gamers and DarkStation pointed out the minimal use of voice acting in RiME, with the protagonist mainly making exclamations and humming. This lack of significant voice acting might be seen as a missed opportunity to further engage players through dialogue or more expressive vocal performances. However, DarkStation also mentioned that the emotional impact of the boy's interactions with the environment compensates for the absence of traditional voice acting, suggesting that the game still manages to convey emotions effectively despite the minimal use of spoken words. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that while RiME may not feature extensive voice acting or dialogue, the protagonist's character is effectively portrayed through animations, sounds, and interactions with the environment. This unconventional approach seems to have resonated positively with most reviewers, as it enhances the storytelling and emotional depth of the game. Critics like GameSpew and The Overpowered Noobs appreciated how the protagonist's expressions and actions effectively convey his personality and emotions, adding realism and depth to the game world. Ultimately, RiME's unique approach to voice acting seems to have contributed to its overall immersive and emotionally engaging experience, despite the lack of traditional spoken dialogue.


PlayStation 4 version of RiME had mixed reviews on technical performance, with some praising visuals and controls but others criticizing frame rate issues. Nintendo Switch version faced significant criticism for low resolution visuals and severe frame rate problems. PC and Xbox One versions had varied feedback, with praise for smooth performance on PC but criticism for frame rate drops on both platforms. Overall, technical issues like frame rate drops impacted gameplay experience across all platforms.

In terms of the technical performance on different gaming platforms for RiME, the PlayStation 4 version generally received mixed feedback. Some critics, like EGM and GameGrin, appreciated how the technical aspects such as controls and visuals enhanced the storytelling experience. However, there were concerns raised by critics like GameSpot, who highlighted severe frame rate dips impacting gameplay, and PlayStation LifeStyle, who noted performance issues like frame rate stutters and slow walking speed. Despite these issues, Easy Allies mentioned that the performance hiccups were more noticeable in the PC version, indicating that the PS4 version fared relatively better in comparison. Moving on to the Nintendo Switch version of RiME, the technical performance faced significant criticism across the board. Critics like Nintendo Life, GamingTrend, and Trusted Reviews pointed out issues such as low resolution visuals, severe frame rate problems, stuttering performance, and long load times, making the game almost unplayable in handheld mode. The consensus among reviewers playing on the Switch, such as Switch Player and Worth Playing, was that the technical issues, including constant frame rate drops and resolution compromises, heavily impacted the overall gameplay experience, detracting from the core adventure of the game. When it comes to the PC and Xbox One versions of RiME, the feedback was more varied. While Eurogamer Italy praised the smooth performance on PC running at 60 fps on high settings, New Game Network and PC Gamer highlighted technical issues like frame rate drops and texture glitches affecting the overall experience. On the Xbox One, GameSpew and ZTGD mentioned noticeable frame rate drops and stuttering, impacting gameplay. The consensus among critics for all platforms is that while RiME offers a visually appealing experience with seamless integration of technical aspects, the presence of technical issues such as frame rate dips, controls problems, and performance hiccups across various platforms detracted from the overall enjoyment of the game.


Critics are split on RiME's replay value, with some praising its hidden items and collectibles for adding depth and encouraging multiple playthroughs, while others criticize its lackluster story and repetitive gameplay that may deter replay. Despite technical issues and abstract collectibles, the consensus is that RiME offers some replayability through its emotional ending and exploration elements, making it worth revisiting for those interested in uncovering its secrets.

The opinions of the critics regarding the replay value of RiME are quite varied, with a mix of positive and negative feedback. Several critics, such as COGconnected and Gameplanet, highlight the presence of hidden items, collectibles, and achievements that encourage players to explore the game further and potentially replay it multiple times. The inclusion of these elements adds depth to the narrative and provides completionists with a satisfying experience. Additionally, critics like God is a Geek and PlayStation Universe appreciate how exploration and finding collectibles enhance the overall gameplay experience, offering more background on the world and story. On the other hand, some critics, like GameSpot and Video Chums, express concerns about the lack of engaging story, repetitive gameplay, and monotonous collectible hunting, which may hinder the game's replay value for certain players. The presence of technical issues, as mentioned by Worth Playing, could also deter players from revisiting the game despite its emotional impact and depth. Additionally, the abstract nature of the collectibles, as noted by PC Gamer, may not provide enough incentive for players to replay the game solely for the sake of finding them. Overall, the consensus among the critics leans towards RiME offering some replay value through its hidden collectibles, emotional ending, and exploration elements. Critics like Attack of the Fanboy and The Digital Fix appreciate how the game's conclusion and additional secrets hidden throughout the island encourage players to revisit the game for a deeper understanding. While some critics point out the game's shortcomings in terms of pacing, lack of variety in additional content, and potential technical issues, the general sentiment suggests that RiME manages to strike a balance between providing an engaging experience that may warrant multiple playthroughs for those who enjoy exploring its world and unraveling its mysteries.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

RiME receives mixed reviews: Critics praise its captivating storytelling, beautiful visuals, and immersive sound design, but point out technical issues and lack of originality. Some hail it as a masterpiece with creative puzzles, while others find it lacking in engagement. Despite flaws, RiME's emotional impact and unique atmosphere resonate positively with many players and reviewers.

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186 reviews found


Jan 1, 1970

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RiME is a truly special game that goes beyond being just a very good game to become an important experience. Its exploration of grief through gameplay, visuals, and music makes it a beautiful and emotional journey that is best experienced with minimal prior knowledge.

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Jan 1, 1970

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RiME is described as a majestic, powerful, and emotional journey that is perfect to play from start to finish. It is considered a beautiful game that is worth playing.

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Jan 1, 1970

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RiME is a remarkable achievement with very little to criticise, offering a captivating and tenderly portrayed metaphorical journey that captivates players until the end.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

RiME is a spellbinding and glorious game that offers a satisfying and affecting experience, despite not being overly challenging with its puzzles. It leaves a lasting impression on players even days after finishing it.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

RiME is praised for its balance of accessibility and spectacle, as well as its heart and humanity. It is described as a sublime and unique game that stands out in the genre. It is predicted to be one of the best games of 2017.

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Jan 1, 1970

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Rime is a unique and whimsical journey that excels in storytelling, gameplay, graphics, and sound design. Despite some technical performance issues, the game offers a captivating and meditative experience that is highly recommended for puzzle and adventure game fans.

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Jan 1, 1970

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Enigmatic and compelling puzzle platforming adventure with stunning visuals, fantastic music, and a memorable narrative.

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Jan 1, 1970

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Near-perfect gaming experience that surprises and delights, highly recommended for all players

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Jan 1, 1970

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Rime is described as a beautiful ode to life, loss, and childhood, ranking among the best games of the year.

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Jan 1, 1970

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Triumph of storytelling and game design, unforgettable experience that resonates with players

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