Film and produce 1999's hottest reality TV show: The Crush House! Select a crush-worthy cast, satisfy voracious audiences and keep the show on air to uncover the sinister secrets behind this darkly comic thirst-person shooter.
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Sep 10, 2024
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Aug 9, 2024
I can’t wait to be able to talk about this one in detail, it surprised me how much I liked it. Even if it kind of feels like a roguelite, I don’t care; being able to mastermind this show by picking the cast and placing things around to evoke emotions was fun, every. single. time. If you like dynamic games where you, the player will kind of set up the dominos and watch them fall I feel like you will be hard pressed to find a better game than The Crush House. Not only was it fun setting up the various shots and seeing things unfold amongst the various castmates but the mystery here is the real draw. Go into this one as blind as you can, you will thank me for it.
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Aug 13, 2024
The Crush House, meanwhile, is bright and fruity, and the sinister element that is meant to carry the subversion seems to be something more akin to something like “tee hee, we know this is a bit problematic, but we sure love reality TV anyway.” It makes sense that this is where the developers would land. We all know that reality TV should be critiqued even as we all have at least one example of it that we can’t help but watch. The developers have also made a genuinely entertaining game out of it. It would be ridiculous to criticise candy for being good at being candy. I think I’m just surprised that it didn’t have more substance because it seemed like it had all the potential in the world to be a grand dessert.
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Aug 12, 2024
The Crush House is a unique and enjoyable experience that’s unlike anything else that I have played before. Putting together a cast, filming their actions, and keeping the weird yet wonderful audience happy was satisfying and fun, whilst uncovering the darker secrets of The Crush House kept me invested as I progressed through the narrative. And sure, it does have a few technical issues and the gameplay loop can grow a little repetitive the longer you play, but this virtual twist on the world of reality TV shows does more than enough to ensure it deserves your attention.
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