In a dystopian world where the Motorhead Empire has conquered and enslaved virtually the entire planet, mammoth battleships, armored locomotives, and invincible fortresses dominate the skies. However, there is hope for the republic of Silverhead, and you are the only one who can save it. Take control of the Striker airplane or Zeppelin with an aerial mine launcher and engage in intense euro-shmup action, battling enemies both in the air and on the ground, and using devastating screen-clearing attacks in tight spots. With improved graphics and controls, Steel Empire, originally released in the early 90s for a 16-bit console, has been ported to various handheld consoles. Join the fight and defeat the Motorhead Empire.
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13 reviews found80
Feb 2, 2024
A brilliant all round Shmup for newcomers and genre fans
Jan 25, 2024
The Legend of Steel Empire for Nintendo Switch strikes a solid balance between its modern upgrades and its Sega Genesis roots. Despite its short campaign, the game offers plenty for shmup fans to uncover and master without completely overwhelming casual arcade players.
Feb 9, 2024
Summary and quote unavailable.
Feb 2, 2024
Overall though The Legend of Steel Empire is a solid release and visually updates a classic steampunk shmup that pretty much everyone loves. Even if you never played the original, this is still a lot of fun and perfectly suited to something like the Switch.
Jan 26, 2024
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Jan 23, 2024
The Legend of Steel Empire remains a faithful reimagination of the original release, even including the end credits gag. It will take a medium-skilled player less than an hour to do a complete loop but it is such a good time, that can’t be considered a fault. While it doesn’t quite enter the bullet hell pantheon of other shoot 'em ups on Switch, it is certainly worth the shelf space in your collection and might be the perfect excuse to dust off your arcade stick in 2024. Maybe one day down the line we'll get a proper 16:9 sequel handled by the original HOT-B staff, but in the meantime, this is a welcome return for the original.
Mar 20, 2024
The Legend of Steel Empire isn’t a shooter that will blow you away or anything, nor is it going to be a terribly long game to finish, but for what it is, it’s serviceable, not to mention its approach in terms of theme which sets it somewhat apart from the rest. I’d maybe draw a comparison to something like Jamestown in regards to that, yet another great little gem that happens to be on Switch too. Either way, you’ll be well served if you do decide to pick this one up, but keep your expectations in check as it lacks any form of extra materials or game modes. It is what it is.
Jan 25, 2024
The Legend of Steel Empire is a decent enough way to play a cult classic shooter, even with a few rough points in the overall package. If you’re tired of having your head knocked around by the likes of Gradius or R-Type, you might find this to be the approachable shooter you’re looking for. I appreciate that they made some improvements in the presentation rather than just toss the original game out there, but it feels like there was a missed opportunity to do a little more here. SwitchArcade Score: 3.5/5 New Releases Saga of the Moon Priestess ($5.99) Just one new release to look at today, but it seems like a decent one for those who enjoy the classic Zelda games.
Feb 1, 2024
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Jan 24, 2024
Despite some visual polish and flair, this upconverted classic fails to stand out in a crowded genre space Within the realm of arcade-style shooting games for the Switch, standing out requires exceptional effort.