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Amnesia: Rebirth

GenresAdventure, Indie, Action, Horror, Puzzle and Logic, Mystery, Single Player, First Person Perspective
AvailableOct 20, 2020
PlatformPC, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One
DeveloperFrictional Games

Amnesia: Rebirth is a new descent into darkness from the creators of the iconic Amnesia series. Set in the desolate landscape of the Algerian desert, the game will focus on new character Tasi Trianon as she sets out on a harrowing journey through devastation and despair, personal terror and pain, while exploring the limits of human resilience.

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Critics mostly praised the gripping and immersive narrative of Amnesia: Rebirth, appreciating the compelling storytelling, character development, and lack of jump scares. Some critics, however, noted issues with uneven delivery, lack of cohesion, and forgettable characters. Despite mixed opinions, reviewers generally found the narrative engaging, mysterious, and emotionally complex, exploring themes of human ambition and psychological horror effectively.

The majority of critics found the story of Amnesia: Rebirth to be very good, highlighting its gripping and immersive narrative that kept players engaged from beginning to end. Critics such as GameSpew and PlayStation Universe praised the compelling storytelling that seamlessly fit with each area of the game, driven by the protagonist's amnesia and unknown body corruption, creating a sense of mystery and urgency. The character development and transformation were also commended for adding depth to the overall narrative. Additionally, critics like Game Informer and Softpedia described the story as intense, emotional, and compelling, focusing more on exploration and clues rather than relying on jump scares, which added to the immersive experience. On the negative side, some critics pointed out various shortcomings in the story of Amnesia: Rebirth. Reviewers like New Game Network and TheGamer criticized the uneven delivery and lack of cohesion in the storytelling, with excessive exposition, predictable twists, and minor mechanics that did not significantly enhance the overall experience. The narrative was also faulted for lacking authenticity and feeling detached at times, as mentioned by TheGamer. Furthermore, GameGrin highlighted the forgettable characters and the narrative's focus on the protagonist's reactions rather than incorporating enough horror elements to create a truly chilling atmosphere. Overall, while there were mixed opinions on specific aspects of the story, the general consensus among critics was positive regarding Amnesia: Rebirth's narrative. The game was praised for its ambitious storytelling that delved into themes of human ambition, maternal instincts, and psychological horror, as noted by critics like Guardian and USgamer. Despite some criticisms about execution and pacing, the majority of reviewers found the narrative to be engaging, gripping, and filled with mystery, offering a unique and unforgettable experience that resonated with players. The depth of the story, the exploration of Lovecraftian themes, and the emotional layers that added complexity to the narrative were key factors that contributed to the overall positive reception of the game's storytelling.


Amnesia: Rebirth impresses with immersive puzzles and tense atmosphere, but faces criticism for outdated mechanics and lack of innovation. Critics appreciate the traditional horror elements but note pacing issues and linear encounters. The game offers a solid horror experience with room for improvement in gameplay innovation and execution.

The gameplay of Amnesia: Rebirth has received praise for its immersive puzzles, resource management, and exploration elements. Critics like God is a Geek and Pure Xbox appreciate the tense atmosphere created by managing fear levels and limited light resources, offering a unique psychological horror experience. The clever and rewarding puzzles, as highlighted by Noisy Pixel and GameSpot, contribute to the game's engaging gameplay experience. Additionally, the inclusion of traditional horror elements, such as stealth, exploration, and puzzle-solving, as noted by GamesRadar+ and Adventure Gamers, adds depth to the gameplay and enhances the overall tension and fear-inducing atmosphere. On the flip side, criticisms of the gameplay mainly revolve around outdated mechanics, lack of innovation, and certain frustrating elements. Push Square and Softpedia point out that the hide and seek gameplay mechanics feel outdated, lacking innovation, and the control scheme can be imprecise. Some critics, like Atomix and GameSkinny, mention that while the puzzles are clever, certain encounters feel more linear, and the ability to skip sections undermines the challenge. Furthermore, Game Informer and Metro GameCentral criticize the pacing disruptions caused by unclear goals and steps needed to progress in the game, diminishing the overall gameplay experience. Overall, the consensus among critics regarding the gameplay of Amnesia: Rebirth is mixed. While the game excels in creating tension and immersive puzzles, as acknowledged by critics like Cultured Vultures and Easy Allies, it falls short in terms of innovation and modern gaming standards, as highlighted by Push Square and Atomix. The balance between traditional horror elements and engaging gameplay mechanics receives praise from some critics, such as USgamer and Game Rant, while others feel that the game lacks significant improvements or fails to introduce new elements to set it apart from its predecessors. Despite the varied opinions on specific gameplay mechanics, the general sentiment suggests that Amnesia: Rebirth offers a solid horror experience with room for improvement in terms of gameplay innovation and execution.


Critics are mostly impressed with Amnesia: Rebirth's graphics and visual design, praising its use of lighting and shadows to create stunning environments that enhance the horror experience. However, some critics feel the graphics are lacking compared to modern standards, citing issues with textures and frame rate drops. Despite mixed opinions, the game excels in creating a terrifying and immersive atmosphere through its visuals, with many critics commending its ability to drive fear and tension.

The opinions of the critics regarding the Graphics and Visual Design of Amnesia: Rebirth are largely positive. Critics like App Trigger, Areajugones, and Game Rant praise the game for its effective use of lighting and shadows to create visually stunning and unsettling environments. Cultured Vultures and GamesRadar+ appreciate the impressive visual design, with attention to detail in creating immersive and atmospheric settings. TheSixthAxis highlights the excellent architectural design and well-designed creature models that contribute to a tense atmosphere. Hey Poor Player commends the incredible visuals with a rich palette of colors and detailed environments that enhance the horror experience. On the other hand, some critics express mixed or negative opinions about the graphics of Amnesia: Rebirth. Critics like Metro GameCentral and Screen Rant find the graphics disappointing or outdated compared to the developer's previous work or modern standards. Push Square mentions issues with texture work, frame rate drops, and clipping problems, impacting the visual experience. PC Gamer notes that while the interiors have high-def detail and moody lighting, outdoor environments look blocky and unnatural. PC Invasion points out that while the game features stunning visuals, the textures appear rough and dated upon closer inspection. Overall, the consensus among critics is that Amnesia: Rebirth excels in creating a terrifying and immersive atmosphere through its visual design. While some critics acknowledge the game's shortcomings in terms of graphics, such as outdated textures or inconsistent design, the majority appreciate the game's effective use of lighting, detailed environments, and diverse locations to enhance the horror experience. Critics like GameSpot and USgamer highlight the game's ability to drive fear and tension through visuals, while Easy Allies and GameSpew commend the top-notch visuals and solid performance that contribute to an immersive atmosphere. Despite some criticisms, the overall sentiment leans towards the game successfully delivering on its goal of creating a visually compelling and frightening experience for players.


Critics rave about Amnesia: Rebirth's spine-chilling sound design and music, praising its role in creating a terrifying and immersive atmosphere. While some critics raised minor concerns about cheap jump scares and overreliance on overt scares, the majority applaud the game for its exceptional sound effects, haunting score, and high-quality voice acting. Overall, reviewers agree that Amnesia: Rebirth excels in using audio elements to enhance the horror experience, making it a must-play for fans of survival horror games.

The majority of critics unanimously praised the sound design and music of Amnesia: Rebirth, highlighting its effectiveness in creating a terrifying and immersive atmosphere. Critics like PlayStation Universe, Game Rant, and GameSpot commended the game for its exceptional sound design that added to the horror experience. The use of eerie noises, guttural vocalizations, and screeches was noted to contribute significantly to the overall sense of dread and unease, as mentioned by GamesRadar+. The haunting score and well-done character voices, as pointed out by Gamers' Temple, further enhanced the chilling and immersive experience for players. While the overwhelming sentiment towards the sound design and music of Amnesia: Rebirth was positive, there were some minor criticisms raised by a few critics. PC Gamer mentioned that while the game effectively used sound mixing and music to build tension, the jump scare-style visions felt cheap and manipulative. New Game Network also noted that the game relied too heavily on overt scares rather than psychological horror elements, potentially impacting the overall experience for some players. Overall, the consensus among critics is overwhelmingly positive regarding the sound design and music of Amnesia: Rebirth. The majority of reviewers found the sound design to be exceptional, with many highlighting its crucial role in creating a terrifying atmosphere that kept players on edge. The immersive sound effects, chilling atmosphere, and high-quality voice acting were consistently praised across multiple reviews, showcasing the game's ability to enhance the horror experience through audio elements. Critics like Areajugones and Easy Allies emphasized the importance of sound in survival horror games, noting that Amnesia: Rebirth excelled in this aspect. The game's ability to instill fear, tension, and unease through its sound design and music was a standout feature that resonated positively with the majority of critics, making it a highly recommended experience for fans of the genre.


Critics largely praised the voice acting in Amnesia: Rebirth, especially Alix Wilton Regan's performance as Tasi. Although some critics had reservations about immersion and consistency issues, overall, the voice acting was considered a standout feature that added depth to characters and enhanced the game's immersive experience.

The majority of critics praised the voice acting in Amnesia: Rebirth, highlighting various positive aspects. Critics like PlayStation Universe, Softpedia, and PC Gamer commended Alix Wilton Regan's performance as the protagonist, Tasi, noting her ability to convey a range of emotions effectively. Screen Rant appreciated how well-crafted letters and voice acting brought characters to life despite limited screen time, enhancing the immersive experience. Gamers' Temple also noted that the character voices were well done and added depth to the characters, making them interesting. However, some critics did have reservations about the voice acting in Amnesia: Rebirth. Metro GameCentral mentioned that the constant voiceover by Tasi could detract from immersion, and the character's reactions seemed inconsistent. New Game Network found the excessive self-talk from the protagonist to be grating, affecting the overall experience. DualShockers pointed out occasional issues with reactions and delivery that could break immersion for players. Overall, the consensus among critics is overwhelmingly positive regarding the voice acting in Amnesia: Rebirth. The majority of reviewers appreciated the excellent voice performances that added depth to the characters and enhanced the immersive experience. Critics like Adventure Gamers and COGconnected praised the voice acting for capturing emotions effectively, while GameGrin highlighted how it enhanced character development. Despite some minor criticisms, the overall sentiment is that the voice acting in Amnesia: Rebirth significantly contributed to the game's success and was a standout feature for many reviewers.


Critics had mixed opinions on the technical performance of Amnesia: Rebirth. While some praised smooth gameplay and stable performance on both PS4 and PC, others noted issues like texture problems and frame rate drops. Overall, the game offers an immersive horror experience with room for improvement in addressing technical issues.

In terms of the technical performance on the PS4, several critics highlighted both positive and negative aspects. Cultured Vultures appreciated the smoother gameplay and the ability to go back to previous saves. TheSixthAxis noted that the game runs smoothly on the standard PS4, despite being less refined compared to high-spec PCs. However, Push Square pointed out texture work issues, frequent frame rate drops, and stability problems, especially after load screens. These issues impacted the overall experience for players on the PS4 platform. On the PC platform, critics generally had positive feedback regarding the technical performance of Amnesia: Rebirth. Adventure Gamers praised the stable performance and impressive animations that kept players immersed. PC Invasion experienced smooth gameplay at high resolutions with no slowdowns or stuttering. Additionally, Wccftech highlighted the solid performance with stable FPS on mid-range systems, making it accessible to a wide range of setups. However, there were some mentions of minor technical shortcomings by critics like and, but these did not significantly detract from the overall experience. Overall, the consensus among critics for Amnesia: Rebirth's technical performance is mixed. While some critics on both the PS4 and PC platforms appreciated the smooth gameplay and stable performance, others highlighted issues such as texture work problems, frame rate drops, and occasional technical shortcomings. The game's ability to create an immersive horror experience was acknowledged across reviews, with mentioning its originality and unexpected details. Despite some technical hiccups, the majority of critics found the game to offer a cohesive and engaging experience, with potential for improvements in addressing the identified technical issues.


Critics generally praise Amnesia: Rebirth for its multiple endings and player choices that enhance replay value. However, concerns about game length, pacing, and lack of significant player control over the story may hinder replayability. Despite mixed opinions, the game's engaging narrative, tension-filled gameplay, and exploration of light and dark themes offer a compelling experience with replay value, though some reviewers point out drawbacks like linearity and lack of innovation. Ultimately, the game's replay value is subjective, with some players finding it worth multiple playthroughs.

The critics generally agree that Amnesia: Rebirth offers multiple endings based on player choices, which enhances the replay value of the game. Areajugones notes that the game provides the choice of two different endings, while Adventure Gamers and DualShockers highlight the incentive for replaying to explore different outcomes. TheSixthAxis also mentions that completionists will find plenty of replayability in searching for collectibles, adding to the overall positive sentiment towards the game's replay value. On the downside, some critics express concerns that the game's length, pacing, and lack of significant player control over the story may hinder its replayability. Metro GameCentral points out that the player's control over the story may not be as significant as implied, while New Game Network criticizes the limited replay value due to the lack of depth in gameplay mechanics and story. PC Invasion also notes that the lack of major choices earlier in the game and limited secrets to find may reduce the game's overall replay value. Overall, while there are mixed opinions on the replay value of Amnesia: Rebirth, the general consensus leans towards the positive side. Critics appreciate the multiple endings, player choices impacting the narrative, and the dynamic range of tension provided by the gameplay elements. However, concerns about the game's linearity, lack of innovation in gameplay, and potential diminishing impact of revisiting previous saves are highlighted by some reviewers like Wccftech and Atomix. Despite these drawbacks, the engaging narrative, immersive gameplay, and tension between light and dark themes contribute to a compelling experience that offers replay value, as noted by USgamer. Ultimately, the game's replay value seems to be subjective, with some players finding it engaging enough to warrant multiple playthroughs while others may feel that certain aspects limit its overall replayability.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Critics praise Amnesia: Rebirth for its frightening atmosphere and monster encounters, but note shortcomings in gameplay mechanics and narrative depth. While some find it a stellar horror experience, others criticize its lack of originality and pacing issues, making it a mixed bag for fans of the genre.

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124 reviews found


Oct 19, 2020

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Amnesia: Rebirth is praised for its effective and mind-bending horror elements, despite some gameplay mechanics feeling outdated

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Oct 19, 2020

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A horror masterpiece with a strong narrative focus, must-play for horror enthusiasts, offering a cohesive story, intriguing gameplay, and a distinctive style.

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Oct 19, 2020

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Amnesia: Rebirth is a masterfully-crafted horror game that offers a terrifying and thought-provoking experience.

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Oct 19, 2020

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Amnesia: Rebirth is praised for being a worthy sequel to the horror classic, offering a haunting narrative and immersive gameplay that will appeal to both fans of the series and horror enthusiasts.

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Oct 31, 2020

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Amnesia: Rebirth is a daring and bold follow-up that expands upon the original, leveraging fear as a gameplay mechanic effectively, with great sound design and an inextricable blend of storytelling and gameplay. Minor performance issues and lack of immediate feedback may frustrate some players.

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Oct 28, 2020

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A worthy addition to the classic series, delivering intense scares and a gripping horror experience that immerses players in a world of fear and tension.

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Oct 19, 2020

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Amnesia: Rebirth is terrifying and fun to play, miles ahead of most horror games. It is a no-brainer for anyone looking for something spooky to play.

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Oct 23, 2020

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Amnesia: Rebirth delivers a captivating Lovecraftian horror narrative with solid gameplay mechanics and impressive audio design. The graphics could have been more innovative, but overall it is a great addition to the Amnesia series.

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Oct 25, 2020

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Intense and unsettling, but ultimately a worthwhile experience for those with the mental fortitude to endure it.

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Oct 19, 2020

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Praised for ambition and ability to provoke reflection, delivering a memorable and thought-provoking horror experience

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