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GenresFantasy, Adventure, Action, Third Person Perspective, Open World, RPG, Single Player, Multiplayer
AvailableMay 25, 2021
PlatformXbox Series X, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
DeveloperExperiment 101

Biomutant is an open-world, post-apocalyptic Kung-Fu fable RPG, with a unique martial arts styled combat system allowing you to mix melee, shooting and mutant ability action. A plague is ruining the land and the Tree-of-Life is bleeding death from its roots. The Tribes stand divided. Explore a world in turmoil and define its fate, will you be its savior or lead it to an even darker destiny?

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Critics are divided on Biomutant's story. Some praise its unique setting and themes, while others criticize its lack of depth and impact. The majority find the narrative basic, repetitive, and filled with clichés, with awkward dialogue and forgettable characters. While some appreciate the narrator's personality, many feel it detracts from the overall experience. Overall, Biomutant's story is seen as underwhelming, lacking emotional resonance, and failing to engage players with its plot and characters.

The opinions of the critics regarding the story of Biomutant are quite varied. Some critics, such as PCMag and Digitally Downloaded, appreciate the unique post-apocalyptic setting and the themes of environmentalism and tribal warfare. They find the worldbuilding and imaginative storytelling to be delightful and insightful. Additionally, Softpedia praises the dark outcome portrayed in the story, highlighting the moral system and different paths that players can choose. However, the majority of critics express negative opinions about the story of Biomutant., PC Invasion, and Game Informer all criticize the lack of depth and impact in the narrative. They find the plot to be basic, repetitive, and filled with trite clichés. The dialogue is described as awkward, boring, and torturous. Android Central and GameWatcher also mention that the story is forgettable and the characters are bland. Eurogamer Italy and Twinfinite add that the story lacks substance, depth, and a clear focus. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the story of Biomutant is underwhelming and lacks emotional impact. Many critics mention the lack of importance, excitement, and standout moments in the narrative. The choices in the game are often criticized for not feeling meaningful or having any real impact on the gameplay. The presence of a narrator, although appreciated by some critics like GameSpot and Screen Rant for adding personality, is seen as tiring and detracting from the other characters' voices and personalities. The storytelling choices, tonal inconsistencies, and discombobulated narrative are also mentioned as factors that distance the players from the plot and characters. In conclusion, while some critics appreciate the unique setting, themes, and worldbuilding in Biomutant's story, the majority of critics find it lacking in depth, impact, and emotional resonance. The narrative is criticized for being basic, repetitive, and filled with trite clichés. The dialogue is often described as awkward, boring, and torturous. The lack of importance, excitement, and standout moments, as well as the lack of meaningful choices, are common criticisms. The presence of a narrator, although adding personality, is seen as tiring and detracting from other characters. The overall consensus is that the story of Biomutant falls short of expectations and fails to deliver a compelling and engaging narrative experience.


Critics have mixed opinions on Biomutant's gameplay. Positive reviews highlight satisfying combat mechanics and customization options, while negative feedback points out clunky, unbalanced combat and technical issues. Some enjoy the combat's variety and rewards, while others find it lacking depth and polish. Overall, Biomutant's combat may appeal to players who value customization but might not fully satisfy those seeking a more refined experience.

The opinions of the critics regarding the gameplay of Biomutant are varied, with both positive and negative aspects highlighted. In terms of positives, several critics praise the combat mechanics of the game. Finger Guns mentions that the core gameplay, combat, and progression systems have not been changed with the update. RPGamer states that the combat can be satisfying depending on the weapon used, while GameSpot mentions that combat is fun once you get the hang of it. Gamers Heroes describes the combat as great, rewarding, and challenging, with a kung-fu inspired combat system. Additionally, GameGrin mentions that melee combat is enjoyable, and GameWatcher praises the fluidity of the combat and the ability to switch between different movesets. On the negative side, many critics express concerns about the combat in Biomutant. RPGamer criticizes the combat for lacking fluidity and feeling clunky and slow. PC Invasion describes the combat as basic and mindless, with simplistic melee and gun attacks, and Windows Central mentions that the combat system is muddled and unintuitive. GameCritics highlights unbalanced melee combat, with melee combat being particularly awkward and frustrating. IGN mentions that combat lacks dynamism and challenge, while Push Square states that abilities and powers feel inconsequential and enemies are bullet-sponges. Cubed3 criticizes the combat system for lacking polish and balance, with a weak combat feedback and an annoying soft-lock. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the combat in Biomutant has its ups and downs. While some critics appreciate the variety and customization options in combat, others find it lacking in depth and excitement. The combat is described as clunky, unbalanced, and repetitive by several critics. However, there are also positive aspects mentioned, such as the rewarding crafting system, the customization options, and the potential for a satisfying combat experience. It is worth noting that some critics mention technical issues and crashes throughout the game, which can impact the overall gameplay experience. Despite the mixed opinions, it seems that Biomutant's combat has the potential to be enjoyable for players who appreciate the customization and variety it offers, but it may not fully satisfy those seeking depth and polish in their combat experiences.


Critics have mixed opinions on Biomutant's Graphics and Visual Design. The game is praised for vibrant visuals and stunning art, but criticized for technical issues like glitches and repetitive designs. While the world and character designs stand out positively, shortcomings like poor lighting and reused areas detract from the overall experience. Reviewers agree that Biomutant's graphics have strengths and weaknesses, leading to a diverse range of opinions.

In analyzing the opinions of multiple reviewers regarding the Graphics and Visual Design of Biomutant, it is evident that there is a mix of positive and negative feedback. Several critics praise the game's visuals, describing them as vibrant, beautiful, and stunning. The world of Biomutant is often commended for its lush environments, colorful landscapes, and impressive art direction (Digitally Downloaded, AusGamers, Stevivor). The game's post-apocalyptic setting, with its unique and anthropomorphic character and monster designs, is also highlighted as a positive aspect (Gamers Heroes, RPG Site). Additionally, the use of bright and expressive colors, as well as the attention to detail in character models, fur animations, and grass animations, is lauded by critics (GameGrin, Press Start Australia). However, there are also several criticisms regarding the Graphics and Visual Design of Biomutant. Some critics mention technical shortcomings, such as graphical glitches, visual pop-in, and frame rate drops (Easy Allies, COGconnected, Windows Central). The character and enemy designs are criticized for being disorganized and lacking a cohesive style (Eurogamer Italy). Some reviewers note that certain areas feel reused and lack uniqueness, while others mention repetitive designs and textures (ZTGD, GameSpew). There are also complaints about poor lighting in dark areas, making it difficult to see enemies and hazards (Video Chums). Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Biomutant's Graphics and Visual Design have both positive and negative aspects. While the game's world is often described as vibrant, beautiful, and visually stunning, there are technical shortcomings and design issues that detract from the overall experience. The positive aspects, such as the impressive art direction, detailed environments, and expressive colors, are frequently mentioned. However, the negative aspects, including graphical glitches, repetitive designs, and poor lighting, are also highlighted by several reviewers. Ultimately, the opinions of the critics suggest that Biomutant's Graphics and Visual Design have their strengths and weaknesses, resulting in a mixed reception among reviewers.


Critics are divided on Biomutant's Sound Design and Music. Some praise the immersive sound effects and memorable soundtrack, while others criticize the narrator for being annoying and repetitive. The lack of fully voiced characters also draws negative feedback. Overall, opinions vary on the game's audio elements.

In analyzing the opinions of multiple reviewers regarding the Sound Design and Music of Biomutant, it is evident that there is a mixed reception. Some critics highlight positive aspects of the game's audio, while others express disappointment. Starting with the positives, several critics praise the implementation of the DualSense controller's features, such as the inner speaker, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback, which enhance the combat experience and provide immersive sound effects during gameplay (Daily Star, GamingBolt). The sound effects for enemies and attacks are also commended for being distinct and well-designed (Game Over Online). Additionally, the soundtrack of Biomutant is lauded by a few reviewers for its sweeping orchestral and string-driven main theme, which adds a cinematic quality to the game and is considered memorable and stunning (Hey Poor Player). On the negative side, the most common criticism revolves around the game's narrator. While some reviewers appreciate the narrator's voice acting and find it charming and heartwarming (COGconnected), others find it insulting, annoying, and repetitive (COGconnected, Easy Allies, Twinfinite). The constant commentary and interjections from the narrator are mentioned as a source of annoyance and wearisomeness (Game Informer, IGN, Windows Central). The lack of fully voiced characters and reliance on the narrator to convey dialogue is also criticized for stripping the characters of personality and making encounters feel repetitive (Push Square, Pure Xbox). Considering the overall consensus of the critics, it is clear that the narrator's presence and execution are a polarizing aspect of Biomutant's audio. While some reviewers appreciate the narrator's charm and heartwarming delivery, others find it irritating and repetitive. The lack of fully voiced characters is also seen as a drawback, as it diminishes the game's immersion and character development. However, there are positive aspects to the sound design, such as the implementation of the DualSense controller's features, distinct sound effects, and a memorable soundtrack. Ultimately, the opinions on Biomutant's Sound Design and Music are divided, with some critics enjoying certain elements while others express disappointment in the execution.


Summary: Critics have mixed opinions on the voice acting in Biomutant. Some praise the narration for adding warmth and charm, while others criticize the lack of distinct voices for characters and the repetitive nature of the narrator's translations. Overall, the voice acting has its strengths and weaknesses, with some finding it enhancing the gaming experience and others feeling it falls short in providing engaging character performances.

The voice acting in Biomutant has received mixed reviews from critics. Some reviewers, such as COGconnected and Pure Playstation, praise the narration and voice acting, with COGconnected describing it as beautifully narrated and making the gamer feel as if they are snuggled up in bed while Peter Folk tells a heartwarming tale. Pure Playstation also commends the narrator for bringing warmth and charm to the game. Additionally, GAMES.CH highlights the standout performances of the narrator and the Heuschrecke robot character. These positive opinions suggest that the voice acting in Biomutant has its strengths and can enhance the overall experience for players. However, there are also several negative opinions regarding the voice acting in Biomutant. Critics like PlayStation Country and DualShockers express disappointment with the lack of distinct voices for characters, with PlayStation Country comparing it to kids TV shows. DualShockers specifically mentions that the reliance on the narrator to relay character dialogue is frustrating and impersonal. Game Informer criticizes the British narrator for robbing characters of individuality and making conversations tedious due to waiting for the narrator to translate the creatures' gibberish. PC Gamer and PC Invasion both find the narrator to be unbearable and annoying, with PC Invasion also criticizing the grating dialogue. These negative reviews indicate that the voice acting in Biomutant falls short in terms of providing distinct and engaging character performances. Overall, the consensus among critics is that the voice acting in Biomutant has its strengths and weaknesses. While some reviewers appreciate the narration and voice acting for adding warmth, charm, and beauty to the game, others criticize the lack of distinct voices for characters and the repetitive nature of the narrator's translations. The opinions of Hey Poor Player, Cultured Vultures, and ZTGD, among others, highlight the mixed reception of the voice acting. Ultimately, the voice acting in Biomutant may be a subjective aspect of the game that some players will enjoy while others may find it lacking in depth and individuality.


Biomutant's technical performance varies across platforms. PS5 and Xbox Series X versions run smoothly, but PS4 and Xbox One face issues like crashes and frame rate drops. Reviewers noted improvements on next-gen consoles, but challenges on previous-gen. Players should choose platforms wisely for a better gaming experience.

In analyzing the opinions of multiple reviewers regarding the technical performance of Biomutant on different gaming platforms, it is evident that there are both positive and negative aspects to consider. Starting with the positives, the PlayStation 5 version of Biomutant received praise for its improved technical performance. Critics such as Daily Star and PlayStation Universe noted faster loading times, smoother gameplay, and stable frame rates, with the latter specifically mentioning a rock-solid 60 frames per second. PlayStation Country also highlighted the stability and improvement compared to the early PS4 version. The Xbox Series X version was also commended for running smoothly at 60 FPS by critics like GamingTrend and Generación Xbox. However, there were also several negative aspects mentioned by the reviewers. On the PS4 platform, critics like Android Central, Easy Allies, and RPGamer reported frequent crashes, performance issues, frame rate drops, and screen-tearing problems. The Xbox One version of Biomutant faced criticism for general instability, frequent crashes, and reused assets, as mentioned by Digital Trends. Some critics, such as Gfinity,, and PC Invasion, highlighted technical issues and glitches across multiple platforms, including progression-blocking bugs, animation problems, and interface slowdown. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Biomutant's technical performance varied across platforms. While the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions generally performed well with stable frame rates and smoother experiences, the PS4 and Xbox One versions faced more significant issues, including crashes, frame rate drops, and graphical glitches. It is worth noting that some critics, like The Games Machine and Player 2, did not mention any specific technical problems on their respective platforms. In conclusion, while Biomutant showcased improved technical performance on next-gen consoles such as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the game faced more significant challenges on previous-generation consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One. The overall sentiment suggests that the technical performance of Biomutant varied across platforms, with some reviewers praising the improvements and stability, while others highlighted various technical issues and bugs. It is important for players to consider the specific gaming platform they intend to play on when assessing the technical performance of Biomutant.


Critics are split on Biomutant's replay value. Some praise its karma system, multiple endings, and customization options for added depth and longevity. However, concerns are raised about repetitive side activities and lack of worthwhile rewards. While the game offers branching pathways and plenty to discover, its flaws like repetitive missions and lack of depth may deter some players from replaying. Ultimately, whether Biomutant is worth replaying depends on one's preferences for exploration and customization.

The opinions of the critics regarding the replay value of Biomutant are varied. Some critics, such as App Trigger and Gamers Heroes, highlight the game's replayability through its karma system, multiple endings, and choices and consequences. These elements provide players with the opportunity to forge their own path and experience different story outcomes, adding depth and longevity to the game. Additionally, the customization options and crafting system, as mentioned by RPG Site and MondoXbox, offer players the chance to experiment and create unique playthroughs, further enhancing the replay value. On the other hand, several critics express concerns about the game's replayability. and Pure Playstation, for example, mention a lack of motivation to complete side quests and activities unless one is a completionist. Game Informer and RPG Site highlight the repetitive nature of many side activities and the lack of worthwhile rewards, which may discourage players from engaging in them. Furthermore, Press Start Australia and GamesRadar+ criticize the game for its formulaic and repetitive moments, limiting its overall replay value. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Biomutant offers some degree of replay value, but it is not without its flaws. The game's branching pathways, choices, and different outcomes, as noted by Shacknews and IGN Portugal, contribute to its replayability. Furthermore, the numerous side quests, exploration opportunities, and customization options provide players with plenty to do and discover, as praised by WellPlayed and However, the repetitive mission design, lack of meaningful interactions, and surface-level nature of the game, as mentioned by GameSkinny and Press Start Australia, detract from its overall replay value. While some critics, like Game Over Online and GameGrin, enjoyed their time with the game and express a willingness to replay it, others, such as The Indie Game Website and Stevivor, do not feel compelled to do so. In conclusion, Biomutant offers a mixed bag when it comes to replay value. The game's karma system, multiple endings, choices and consequences, customization options, and crafting system are praised for providing depth and opportunities for exploration. However, the repetitive missions, lack of meaningful interactions, and formulaic moments are criticized for hindering the overall replayability. Ultimately, whether players will find the game worth replaying may depend on their preferences for exploration, customization, and willingness to overlook its flaws.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Biomutant: Ambitious visuals and combat praised, but lackluster story and technical issues drag down overall experience. Critics advise caution due to repetitive gameplay and forgettable quests. Game falls short of potential, with mixed reviews leaning towards disappointment.

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274 reviews found


May 31, 2021

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The reviewer enjoyed Biomutant and found it to be a ton of fun.

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May 24, 2021

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The review gives Biomutant a score of 9/10, describing it as an exceptional open-world, action-focused RPG with gorgeous environments and lots to do.

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May 24, 2021

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Biomutant is a great action-RPG with a mix of different types of combat and an easy-to-approach crafting system. It has some flaws like a slow start and combat issues at first, but overall it is a highly enjoyable game.

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May 24, 2021

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Biomutant offers a fun and enjoyable open-world adventure RPG experience

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May 24, 2021

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The game is great with minimal or no negatives

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Oct 21, 2022

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Biomutant is a fantastic open-world game with an interesting plot, engaging gameplay, stunning visuals, and high replay value.

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Sep 22, 2022

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Biomutant for Xbox Series X is the best release of the game, with most issues fixed and some interesting improvements. It is not a perfect game, but it is a good option with its fun combat and beautiful world.

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May 24, 2021

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Biomutant is praised for its great gameplay, deep customization, and gorgeous visuals. It is recommended for gamers who enjoy exploration and open-world environments.

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May 24, 2021

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The game is recommended and praised for its unique setting, engaging gameplay, and well-executed visuals and sound design.

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May 24, 2021

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Biomutant is an ambitious game that takes time to fully appreciate. It offers a huge world to explore with engaging combat and customization options. While it has some flaws like repetitive fetch quests, cutscene issues, and a small world map, it is an engrossing experience overall.

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