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Journey to the Savage Planet

GenresAdventure, Action, Science Fiction and Futuristic, Shooter, Open World, Single Player, Multiplayer, First Person Perspective
AvailableJan 28, 2020
PlatformPC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
DeveloperTyphoon Studios

Onward To Adventure In this colorful, co-op adventure game you play as the newest recruit to Kindred Aerospace. Dropped onto an uncharted planet with little equipment, you must determine if this planet is fit for human habitation but perhaps you are not the first to set foot here…

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Critics generally praise Journey to the Savage Planet for its humorous and entertaining narrative, blending humor with a compelling story of exploring an alien landscape. Some critics appreciate the game's homage to Metroid Prime while developing its own identity. However, there are criticisms about the narrative lacking depth and variety, being overfamiliar, and having a lackluster setup. Overall, critics agree that the game offers an enjoyable and humorous story with satirical and comedic elements that enhance the exploration experience, making it a recommended choice for players seeking an entertaining and comical adventure.

The opinions of the critics regarding the story of Journey to the Savage Planet are generally positive. Many critics praise the game for its humor and entertaining narrative. Critics like NintendoWorldReport and Starbit highlight the game's blend of humor with a compelling story about exploring an alien landscape and discovering evidence of a prior civilization. Noisy Pixel also mentions the game's hilarious and provocative story delivery, with amusing tidbits of information and lore. TheGamer appreciates how the game pays homage to Metroid Prime while developing its own identity. Critics such as SpazioGames and Worth Playing describe the game as a fun and satirical adventure that doesn't take itself too seriously, with a humorous story that satirizes capitalism. The presence of clever writing and dialogue is also noted by Impulsegamer. However, there are some critics who express negative opinions about the story. Gamers Heroes criticizes the narrative for lacking depth and variety, with most of the story locked behind collectibles and difficult to find objects. VG247 finds the story to be a corporate satire, but overfamiliar and unstriking. The narrative's lackluster setup is mentioned by Game Informer, although it becomes more enticing as players learn about the planet and its creatures. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Journey to the Savage Planet offers an enjoyable and humorous story. The game's satirical and comedic elements are appreciated, as they add flavor to the exploration experience. The narrative's ability to engage players and keep them coming back for more is also highlighted. While there are some criticisms regarding depth and familiarity, the positive aspects of the story outweigh the negatives. The game's unique narrative, wicked sense of humor, and cheeky satirical elements are praised by multiple critics, making it a recommended choice for players seeking an entertaining and comical adventure.


Critics generally praise Journey to the Savage Planet's gameplay for its exploration elements, addictive loop of collecting and scanning, and adherence to the Metroid Prime formula. The game captures a sense of mystery and isolation, offering freedom to explore, solve puzzles, and engage in combat. However, some critics mention issues with shooting mechanics, lack of depth, and frustrating platforming. Despite minor criticisms, the consensus is that the gameplay is enjoyable, rewarding, and offers a mix of guided missions and free exploration.

The opinions of the critics regarding the gameplay of Journey to the Savage Planet are generally positive. Many critics praise the gameplay for its exploration elements, with several mentioning the game's focus on careful exploration, discovering new areas, and uncovering secrets. The gameplay loop of collecting, analyzing, and scanning local flora and wildlife is also highlighted as addictive and satisfying. Critics like The Indie Game Website and TheGamer appreciate the game's adherence to the Metroid Prime formula, with upgrades, scanning mechanics, and well-paced progression. The gameplay is also commended for capturing the sense of mystery and isolation found in Metroid games, as mentioned by NintendoWorldReport. The freedom to explore, catalog, solve puzzles, engage in combat, and die repeatedly without feeling particularly harsh is another positive aspect of the gameplay, as noted by GameSpace. However, there are some criticisms regarding the gameplay of Journey to the Savage Planet. Some critics, such as Windows Central and Game Informer, mention issues with the shooting mechanics, describing them as feeling clumsy and frustrating. Gamers Heroes states that the gameplay lacks depth or variety, with scanning objects and structures being the main focus, which may lead to a sense of repetition. The lack of a map function, occasional missed exposition, and first-person platforming and gunplay being frustrating are also mentioned as minor issues by Player 2 and Game Informer, respectively. The Washington Post highlights that the gameplay progression can be pedestrian, and boss fights may feel obligatory. Additionally, exploits that make difficult fights easier are mentioned, which can potentially impact the challenge and satisfaction of the gameplay experience. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the gameplay of Journey to the Savage Planet is enjoyable and engaging. The exploration-focused gameplay, inventive mechanics, and flexibility in gameplay are praised by VGC and Worth Playing. The gameplay is described as fun, rewarding, and allowing for both guided missions and free exploration, as mentioned by GameSpew. The sense of true progression within the game's world and the natural feeling of collecting resources, scanning surroundings, and gaining access to new equipment are highlighted as positive aspects of the gameplay, as stated by Noisy Pixel and TheSixthAxis. The gameplay is also positively mentioned in reviews by PlayStation LifeStyle and Impulsegamer. While there are some criticisms regarding shooting mechanics, repetition, and minor issues with certain aspects of the gameplay, the overall sentiment is that Journey to the Savage Planet offers an enjoyable and engaging gameplay experience.


Critics mostly loved the graphics in Journey to the Savage Planet for its vibrant colors, gorgeous environments, and unique monster designs. Some noted a visual downgrade on the Nintendo Switch version, but overall, the game's visuals were praised for their comical style and departure from typical sci-fi shooter aesthetics. Despite some flaws, critics found the graphics to be attractive and visually appealing.

The graphics and visual design of Journey to the Savage Planet received mostly positive feedback from the critics. Many reviewers praised the game's vibrant and colorful environments, with several mentioning the use of bright and vivid colors that brought the alien world to life. Critics like Gaming Age, The Indie Game Website, and Xbox Tavern specifically highlighted the attractive graphical styles, gorgeous environments, and well-crafted monster designs. The game's visuals were also commended for their comical and hyper-stylized aesthetic, as mentioned by GameSpace and TheGamer. The technicolor alien world with interconnected floating islands and different biomes was also noted as a departure from the typical greys and browns of sci-fi shooters, as pointed out by TheSixthAxis. However, there were some criticisms regarding the visuals of Journey to the Savage Planet, particularly on the Nintendo Switch version. Critics such as God is a Geek and Starbit mentioned a noticeable visual downgrade compared to other platforms, with hazy textures, lower frame rates, and some textures lacking detail. NintendoWorldReport also noted that texture resolution and level of detail distances were adjusted to accommodate the Switch, resulting in some noticeable low detail settings. Despite these issues, the overall sentiment towards the graphics and visual design remained positive. In conclusion, the majority of critics found the graphics and visual design of Journey to the Savage Planet to be very good. The game's vibrant and colorful environments, along with its well-crafted monster designs, were praised by multiple reviewers. The comical and hyper-stylized aesthetic, as well as the departure from typical sci-fi shooter visuals, were also appreciated. While there were some criticisms regarding the visual downgrade on the Nintendo Switch version, the overall consensus was that the game's visuals were attractive and visually appealing.


Critics across the board praise Journey to the Savage Planet for its top-notch sound design and music. The game's nearly non-existent soundtrack enhances exploration, while the music intensifies during key moments for an immersive experience. The entertaining voice acting, humor, and fake commercials add depth to the game's character. Overall, critics agree that the sound design and music greatly enhance the gameplay, with no negative opinions in sight.

In terms of the sound design and music of Journey to the Savage Planet, the majority of critics have praised its positive aspects. Noisy Pixel notes that the soundtrack is almost non-existent, which effectively enhances the spirit of exploration. The music ramps up during encounters or discoveries, adding to the overall immersive experience. The Indie Game Website highlights the masterful and entertaining voice acting of the AI companion, which contributes to the game's genuinely funny nature. GameSpew also mentions the brilliant sense of humor and humorous voice acting, as well as the inclusion of fake TV commercials that add to the game's character. Xbox Achievements and Xbox Tavern both commend the sound design, with Xbox Achievements specifically mentioning the neat ditties, wonderful live-action comic performances, and typical sci-fi sound effects. Xbox Tavern also praises the game's great music and sound effects, contributing to a solid audio-visual package. XboxAddict further supports the positive sentiment by stating that the soundtrack is fitting and the voiceover work is done well. However, there are no explicit negative opinions regarding the sound design and music of Journey to the Savage Planet. While some critics do not specifically mention these aspects, their overall positive reviews and mentions of humor and voice acting indirectly suggest that the sound design and music are well-executed and contribute positively to the game. Overall, the consensus among critics is that Journey to the Savage Planet excels in its sound design and music. The positive aspects mentioned by multiple critics, such as the fitting soundtrack, masterful voice acting, and humorous elements, indicate that these elements greatly enhance the overall experience of the game. The absence of any negative opinions further supports the notion that the sound design and music are strong aspects of Journey to the Savage Planet.


Critics rave about the voice acting in Journey to the Savage Planet, praising the AI companion's masterful, entertaining, and humorous performance. While some find it somewhat derivative, most agree that the voice acting adds humor, narrative depth, and alleviates loneliness in the game, making it a standout feature that enhances the overall gameplay experience.

The voice acting in Journey to the Savage Planet has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the critics. Many reviewers praised the AI companion's voice acting, describing it as masterful, entertaining, and well-spoken. The sarcastic and humorous comments from the AI companion were mentioned as one of the game's highlights, providing humor and narrative checkpointing throughout the gameplay experience. Critics such as The Indie Game Website and GameSpew specifically highlighted the voice acting as a positive aspect of the game, with The Indie Game Website calling it "masterful and entertaining." Additionally, Stevivor commended Adrian Burhop's performance as Kindred President & CEO, Martin Tweed, stating that it was scene-stealing and added to the humor of the game. The voice acting was also praised for its ability to alleviate feelings of loneliness, with Worth Playing mentioning that the amusing and varied dialogue from the ship's built-in AI helped make the player feel less alone. While the majority of critics had positive opinions about the voice acting in Journey to the Savage Planet, there were a few minor criticisms. TheGamer mentioned that the sarcastic AI companion provided social engagement but felt somewhat derivative. This suggests that while the voice acting was enjoyable, it may not have offered a completely unique or groundbreaking experience. However, this criticism seems to be outweighed by the positive feedback from other critics who praised the voice acting for its humor and entertainment value. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the voice acting in Journey to the Savage Planet is a strong aspect of the game. The sarcastic and clinically detached AI companion, EKO, received high praise for its sassy and humorous comments, which provided both humor and narrative checkpointing. The voice acting was described as masterful, entertaining, and well-spoken, with the AI companion's responses to scan visor scans being highlighted as some of the funniest moments in the game. The voice acting also contributed to the overall character and humor of the game, with critics like Stevivor and Xbox Tavern specifically mentioning the scene-stealing performance of Adrian Burhop as Martin Tweed. The positive reception of the voice acting in Journey to the Savage Planet suggests that it successfully enhances the gameplay experience and adds to the overall enjoyment of the game.


Journey to the Savage Planet's technical performance varies by platform. Switch struggles with stability but is playable. PC offers smooth gameplay even on low-end hardware. PS4 has minor hiccups, while Xbox One is mostly stable. Overall, the game is playable with some minor performance hiccups on all platforms.

In terms of the technical performance on the Nintendo Switch, the overall consensus among the critics is mixed. Gaming Age mentions that the game runs smoothly on the Switch with only some minor glitchy moments. God is a Geek states that the Switch version struggles with framerate at times but is still playable. NintendoWorldReport and Starbit both highlight the game's difficulty in maintaining a stable frame rate, especially when exploring or engaging in combat. Adding a second player exacerbates these issues, according to NintendoWorldReport. However, Starbit notes that the overall experience is more stable in handheld mode. Despite these challenges, the game seems to be playable on the Switch, with some minor performance hiccups. On the PC platform, Noisy Pixel provides a positive review of the technical performance. They mention that the game runs well with adequate settings and optimization, delivering a stable experience even on low-end hardware. This indicates that the developers have put effort into ensuring a smooth gameplay experience for PC players. Regarding the PlayStation 4 version, PlayStation LifeStyle mentions a couple of hiccups, including an incorrect waymarker and a problem with tactical grab and climb. These issues are not game-breaking but can be annoying. However, Player 2 reports no graphical or technical issues experienced during their playthrough. VGC notes some rough edges and clumsy gunplay but overall considers the game to be well designed on the PS4. For the Xbox One version, Xbox Achievements states that the game is mostly stable with only rare frame-rate lag. This suggests that the technical performance on the Xbox One platform is generally satisfactory. In summary, the technical performance of Journey to the Savage Planet varies across different gaming platforms. While the Nintendo Switch version faces challenges with maintaining a stable frame rate, it remains playable with some minor performance hiccups. The PC version receives positive feedback for its well-optimized performance, even on low-end hardware. The PlayStation 4 version has a few minor issues, but they are not game-breaking. The Xbox One version appears to be mostly stable with only occasional frame-rate lag. Overall, the game seems to provide an acceptable technical experience across all platforms, with some minor issues present.


Critics have mixed opinions on the replay value of Journey to the Savage Planet. Some praise its exploration and desire to return after completing the main adventure, while others criticize lackluster rewards and repetitive exploration. The game's focus on collectibles and hidden areas offers motivation for replay, but the lack of a map function is seen as a drawback. In general, the game provides decent replay value with its strengths in exploration and collectibles, despite some noted weaknesses.

The opinions of the critics regarding the replay value of Journey to the Savage Planet are varied. Some critics, such as Noisy Pixel and PlayStation LifeStyle, mention the positive aspects of replayability in the game. They highlight the exploration and the desire to return to the game after dying or completing the main adventure. The Indie Game Website and Windows Central also mention the potential for doubling the playtime by going back through the levels to collect items, indicating a positive aspect of replay value. TheSixthAxis and GameSpew mention the excitement and fun generated by searching for collectibles and completing achievements, further emphasizing the positive replayability of the game. On the other hand, there are critics who express some negative aspects of the replay value in Journey to the Savage Planet. Gamers Heroes mentions lackluster rewards and repetitive exploration, which make replaying the game less appealing. Worth Playing mentions that while the collectibles and hidden bonuses are fun to gather, they are not necessary to finish the game, potentially diminishing the motivation for replaying. Player 2 points out the lack of a map function as a minor drawback, which may impact the enjoyment of replaying the game. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Journey to the Savage Planet offers some positive aspects of replay value. The game's focus on exploration, collectibles, and hidden areas provides motivation for players to revisit the game and discover new content. The potential for doubling the playtime by going back through levels and the excitement generated by searching for collectibles and completing achievements are mentioned as strong points of replayability. However, there are some negative aspects mentioned, such as lackluster rewards, repetitive exploration, and the lack of a map function. Despite these drawbacks, the overall sentiment is that Journey to the Savage Planet offers a decent level of replay value and can provide endless hours of entertainment for players who enjoy quests, upgrades, and collectibles.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Critics love Journey to the Savage Planet for its fun adventure, engaging gameplay, and charming narrative. Praise for its visuals and exploration mechanics. Some critics note flaws like lack of depth and technical issues, but overall recommend it as an enjoyable experience.

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164 reviews found


Jan 28, 2020

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

The game is fantastically written and fun, with a few minor flaws.


Jan 27, 2020

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The review describes the game as ridiculously zany and wonderful, and expresses hope that players will enjoy their time on the alien planet. The overall verdict is positive.


Jan 27, 2020

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

Journey to the Savage Planet is a highly enjoyable game with a unique narrative, engaging gameplay, and a great sense of humor. It offers a lot of replay value and is priced reasonably.

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Feb 6, 2020

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The game is described as interesting and enjoyable, with a score of 8.5 out of 10.

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Feb 12, 2020

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

Journey to the Savage Planet offers a nice balance of discovery and battles, with a sense of fun. Despite some wonky animations and AI, it delivers an enjoyable adventure.

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Jun 9, 2020

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The reviewer is happy that the game on the Switch finally lives up to its potential, even though it had to be visually downgraded. They consider the trade-off worth it for a lot more fun.

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Jan 27, 2020

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The game is highly praised and recommended, with the reviewer expressing excitement for the future of the developer.

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Feb 4, 2020

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Journey to the Savage Planet is a great freshman effort with charm, humor, and a fresh game loop. Recommended for fans of exploration games like Metroid Prime.


Jan 27, 2020

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A memorable and well-designed space adventure with inventive mechanics and enjoyable exploration.

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