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Life is Strange 2

GenresAdventure, Action, Science Fiction and Futuristic, Third Person Perspective, Drama, Single Player
AvailableSep 26, 2018
PlatformPC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
DeveloperDONTNOD Entertainment

The long awaited sequel to the award winning Life is Strange returns with a new 5-part narrative adventure from DONTNOD Entertainment.

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Critics rave about Life is Strange 2's powerful storytelling, tackling real-world issues like racism and family dynamics. The emotional bond between the Diaz brothers is a major draw, with deep character development and exploration of complex topics adding depth to the narrative. Some critics note drawbacks like episodic structure impacting flow, but overall, the game's mature handling of societal issues and impactful relationships make it a compelling and thought-provoking standout in narrative-driven games.

The majority of critics found the story of Life is Strange 2 to be very good, with many praising its handling of real-world issues such as racism, police brutality, immigration, and family dynamics. Critics like Cubed3 appreciated how the game respectfully tackled a broad range of themes while maintaining a focus on the central theme of brotherhood. The emotional bond between the Diaz brothers, Sean and Daniel, was highlighted by Noisy Pixel as a major draw of the game, with the familial relationship being a key strength that resonated with players. The character development and the exploration of delicate and complex topics like drug addiction, religious fanaticism, and morality, as mentioned by LaPS4, added depth to the narrative and made players emotionally invested in the story. However, some critics pointed out certain drawbacks in the story of Life is Strange 2. New Game Network and Meristation noted issues with continuity and character development due to the episodic structure and time skips between episodes, which hindered the overall flow of the narrative. USgamer mentioned that while the game tackled important American issues, it sometimes missed the mark and became formulaic, potentially impacting the engagement of players. Additionally, GamingTrend highlighted that while the story started rough, it improved as it progressed, indicating that there might have been pacing or storytelling issues in the initial stages of the game. Overall, the consensus among the critics is overwhelmingly positive regarding the story of Life is Strange 2. Critics like CGMagazine and Twinfinite praised the game for its mature handling of societal issues and the impactful relationship between the Diaz brothers. The emotional, evocative, and hard-hitting nature of the story, as described by GamingTrend, Hobby Consolas, and Twinfinite, resonated with players and left a lasting impression. Despite some minor criticisms about pacing and narrative structure, the majority of critics found the story to be compelling, immersive, and thought-provoking, making Life is Strange 2 a standout title in the realm of narrative-driven games.


Life is Strange 2's gameplay receives mixed reviews - praised for decision-making and storytelling, criticized for lack of variety and innovation. While some appreciate its emotional impact, others find it lacking in depth and interactive elements.

The gameplay of Life is Strange 2 received mixed reviews from critics. Some positive aspects highlighted by reviewers include the emphasis on decision-making and exploration, which enhances player engagement and allows for impactful storytelling. Critics like Hobby Consolas appreciated the improved decision-making system that impacts the story and character development, while XboxAddict praised the solid gameplay centered around making complex choices that shape the narrative. On the negative side, several critics pointed out various shortcomings in the gameplay of Life is Strange 2. New Game Network and GAMES.CH criticized the lack of gameplay variety, with shallow dialogue trees and clunky controls hindering the overall experience. Critics like Video Chums and Cubed3 lamented the limited gameplay mechanics, such as minimal puzzles and interactions, which made the game feel more like an interactive adventure rather than a fully immersive gaming experience. Overall, the consensus among critics is that while Life is Strange 2 excels in storytelling and player choice mechanics, the gameplay falls short in terms of depth and innovation. IGN Italia noted the lack of innovative gameplay mechanics compared to the first installment of the series, while PC Gamer highlighted the game's reliance on set-piece sequences that may feel restrictive to players seeking more interactive gameplay elements. Despite these criticisms, some critics like Impulsegamer appreciated the emotional impact and human spirit portrayed in the gameplay, showcasing the game's ability to evoke strong feelings and moral dilemmas through player choices.


Critics rave about Life is Strange 2's stunning visuals and immersive art design, praising the attention to detail and expressive character designs. While some critics note drawbacks like issues with the Nintendo Switch port, the overall consensus is that the game offers a visually appealing experience with unique art style and improved graphics compared to its predecessor. Despite platform-specific limitations, the majority of critics find the visuals to be immersive, expressive, and enhancing of the game's narrative.

The opinions of the critics regarding the Graphics and Visual Design of Life is Strange 2 are generally positive. Critics like Cubed3, Twinfinite, and LaPS4 praise the game for its stunning and immersive visuals. Cubed3 highlights the beautiful imagery in the forests of Oregon and deserts of Arizona, while Twinfinite mentions the touch-up that brings the varied environments to life. LaPS4 appreciates the art design, character expressions, and the immersive world created by the game's engine. These critics emphasize the attention to detail, expressive character designs, and the overall artistry of the game's visuals. On the other hand, some critics point out certain drawbacks in the graphics and visual design of Life is Strange 2. Digital Chumps and GAMES.CH mention issues with the Nintendo Switch port, such as blurry character faces, loss of detail in environments, and flickering/glitches that detract from the game's atmosphere. GAMES.CH specifically highlights instances of unintentional humor due to graphical glitches, which can take away from the serious and emotional tone of the game. These critics draw attention to the limitations of certain platforms and the impact it has on the overall visual experience. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Life is Strange 2 offers a visually appealing experience with its unique art style and attention to detail. Critics like GamingTrend and Hobby Consolas appreciate the improved visuals compared to the first game, with GamingTrend mentioning the gorgeous graphics and beautifully designed environments. While there are some platform-specific issues, such as those highlighted by Digital Chumps and GAMES.CH, the majority of critics find the visuals to be immersive, expressive, and enhancing of the game's narrative. The mix of realistic settings, expressive character designs, and diverse environments contribute to the overall positive reception of the game's Graphics and Visual Design.


Critics overwhelmingly praise the Sound Design and Music of Life is Strange 2 for enhancing the game's atmosphere and emotional depth. Positive remarks focus on the indie rock soundtrack's ability to evoke emotions and complement the narrative themes, with standout voice acting bringing characters to life. Some criticism was directed at the lack of memorable licensed songs and sound quality on certain platforms, but overall, the consensus is highly positive for the impactful role the Sound Design and Music played in the game.

The majority of critics praised the Sound Design and Music of Life is Strange 2, highlighting its positive aspects. Game Revolution commended the indie rock soundtrack for its ability to enhance the game's atmosphere by knowing when to kick in and hold back, allowing the dialogue to shine during key moments. IGN Italia also lauded the powerful and emotional soundtrack, mentioning how it effectively complements the game's themes and evokes a sense of melancholy and reflection in players. Additionally, LaPS4 and Twinfinite both appreciated the curated soundtrack featuring well-known artists like Gorillaz and Daughter, which amplified the emotional beats of the narrative. However, some critics did point out certain negatives regarding the Sound Design and Music of the game. Hobby Consolas mentioned that while the original soundtrack by Jonathan Morali maintained the indie film style of the series, the licensed songs in Life is Strange 2 were fewer and less memorable. They also noted that the voice acting, particularly in dramatic moments, could be improved. USgamer highlighted that the original score often faded into the background, and the final episode lacked licensed music, impacting the emotional impact of the endings. Pocket Tactics also mentioned that the sound design and soundtrack did not translate well on the Switch's speakers, sounding tinny and distant. Overall, the consensus among critics is overwhelmingly positive regarding the Sound Design and Music of Life is Strange 2. Critics like Vandal and Video Chums praised the great music, both original and licensed, for enhancing the gameplay experience and evoking emotions. The exceptional voice acting was a standout feature for many, with critics like XboxAddict and GamingTrend commending the actors for bringing the characters to life. Despite some minor criticisms about the number of licensed songs and sound quality on certain platforms, the general sentiment is that the Sound Design and Music of Life is Strange 2 greatly contributed to the game's emotional depth and immersive storytelling, resonating well with players and critics alike.


Critics overwhelmingly praise the voice acting in Life is Strange 2 for its authenticity, emotional depth, and character portrayal. Latino actors bring extra authenticity, with performances described as excellent, top-notch, and emotionally impactful. Despite some minor critiques on script and delivery, the consensus is strongly positive, highlighting the voice acting as a significant strength that enhances the game's immersive experience.

The majority of critics praised the voice acting in Life is Strange 2, highlighting the authenticity and emotional depth brought by the actors to their respective characters. Hobby Consolas commended the decision to use Latino actors for key roles, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the narrative. Vandal and Video Chums both described the voice acting as excellent and top-notch, respectively, emphasizing how it helped bring the characters to life. Shacknews specifically pointed out that the performances gave weight to the story's emotional moments, even elevating some of the cheesier dialogue. GamingTrend went as far as stating that the voice work in the game was some of the best and most emotional they had ever heard in a game, indicating a high level of praise for the voice acting overall. On the other hand, there were a few critics who found some shortcomings in the voice acting of Life is Strange 2. Game Revolution noted that while the performances of Sean and Daniel weren't bad, they sometimes had to work with a script that made them come off as moody or grating. TierraGamer mentioned that while the characters had depth and realism, the dialogue could be distracting due to its unnatural and hyperbolic nature. These critiques suggest that while the voice acting was generally well-received, there were instances where the delivery or script fell short of expectations for some reviewers. Overall, the consensus among the critics leans heavily towards the positive side regarding the voice acting in Life is Strange 2. With descriptions ranging from "great" to "excellent" and "standout," it's clear that the majority of reviewers found the performances to be a significant strength of the game. The emotional depth, authenticity, and ability of the voice actors to bring the characters to life were highlighted as key factors contributing to the overall immersive experience of the game. While there were a few criticisms regarding specific aspects such as script delivery or dialogue, the overwhelming sentiment is that the voice acting in Life is Strange 2 played a crucial role in enhancing the narrative and emotional impact of the game.


Life is Strange 2 offers a captivating narrative experience, praised for its storytelling and decision-making elements. However, technical performance varies across platforms. PS4 reviewers noted issues with animation and lip syncing, while the Nintendo Switch faced problems with load times and glitches. PC was seen as providing a smoother experience. Despite drawbacks, critics found the game engaging and recommend players consider platform limitations before diving in.

In terms of technical performance on the PS4, Game Revolution and Hobby Consolas both highlighted some positives, such as great writing and well-implemented decision systems that enhance the player experience. However, Game Revolution noted issues with inconsistent animation and lip syncing, impacting the emotional impact of key moments. Despite a slow start, Hobby Consolas mentioned that the game picks up momentum from Episode 3 onwards, showcasing the potential for a more engaging experience on this platform. Moving on to the Nintendo Switch platform, there were mixed opinions among the critics. CGMagazine and Digital Chumps pointed out the horrendous load times and occasional glitches, affecting the overall gameplay experience. On the other hand, GamingTrend and TierraGamer highlighted that the game runs relatively well on the Switch, with stable performance and manageable issues like slight screen tearing. However, GAMES.CH and Pocket Tactics raised concerns about clunky controls, poor graphics, and long load times, which hindered the overall enjoyment of the game on this platform. Overall, there seems to be a consensus among the critics that while Life is Strange 2 delivers a compelling narrative experience across platforms, technical performance issues vary depending on the gaming platform. Meristation's review on PC indicated stable performance without major technical issues, suggesting that the game may provide a smoother experience on this platform compared to the PS4 and Nintendo Switch versions. Despite some drawbacks like long load times, glitches, and control issues on certain platforms, the engaging storytelling and decision-making elements of the game were appreciated by critics like Hobby Consolas and GamingTrend. Players may need to consider the technical limitations of their chosen platform when diving into the emotionally charged world of Life is Strange 2.


Critics are divided on the replay value of Life is Strange 2, with some praising its meaningful choices and multiple endings, while others criticize its irreversible consequences and lack of significant impact compared to the first game. The game's decision-based gameplay and consequences of choices add depth to replaying, but issues like episodic releases and gameplay limitations may hinder its full potential for an engaging replay experience.

The opinions of the critics regarding the replay value of Life is Strange 2 are varied but generally positive. Cubed3 highlights the significance of even the smallest choices in shaping the game's outcomes, providing a meaningful replay experience. Hobby Consolas and Video Chums also commend the game for offering multiple endings and diverse outcomes based on player decisions, enhancing its replayability. XGN appreciates the decision-based gameplay system and collectibles that contribute to the game's replay value, while GamingTrend emphasizes the consequences of choices, adding depth to the replay experience. On the other hand, some critics express concerns about the limitations of the game's replay value. LaPS4 notes that decisions in the game have irreversible consequences, which may deter some players from replaying it. New Game Network and Meristation mention that while the game offers multiple endings, the impact of player decisions may feel less significant compared to the first Life is Strange game. Additionally, USgamer and Vandal point out issues such as the episodic release format and lack of ambition in gameplay that could hinder the game's replayability. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Life is Strange 2 offers a compelling replay value due to its varied endings, impactful player choices, and engaging decision-based gameplay. Critics like Shacknews and TierraGamer appreciate the game's multiple endings and narrative alterations based on player decisions, making it worth playing more than once. However, concerns raised by critics such as Adventure Gamers and PC Games about the episodic structure, limited character development, and underutilized gameplay mechanics suggest that while the game has replay value, it may not fully capitalize on its potential to provide a deeply engaging replay experience for all players.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Life is Strange 2 receives praise for its emotional storytelling, character development, and exploration of complex themes. Critics commend its brave narrative tackling societal issues authentically, with a strong focus on the Diaz brothers' relationship. Decision-making mechanics, multiple endings, and brotherhood portrayal also earn acclaim. However, the game faces criticism for clunky dialogue, inconsistent characterizations, lack of gameplay variety, pacing issues, and episodic structure problems. Overall, opinions are mixed, with praise for emotional depth and thematic exploration balanced by critiques of gameplay and storytelling flaws. Despite imperfections, it's recommended for players who enjoy narrative-driven experiences and engaging decision-making mechanics.

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46 reviews found


Dec 9, 2019

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Life is Strange 2 is one of the best stories in video games. It tackles a lot and handles all of it with grace. It’s emotional, evocative, heartwarming, and heartbreaking. Every choice you make matters not only to you, but also to those around you. The journey of the brothers Diaz is one you absolutely need to take.

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Dec 13, 2019

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The author believes that Life Is Strange 2 is a better and more important game than the first Life Is Strange. They praise DONTNOD for taking chances with the project, including holding a mirror up to ugly truths about America and presenting a teenage boy's experience with sensitivity and emotion. They believe that the reason to play the game is to see life through the eyes of someone you'll probably never be and to experience what you hopefully never will. The author concludes by saying that Life Is Strange 2 made them feel deeply, and they are grateful for that.

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Dec 16, 2019

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Life is Strange 2 is a powerful and emotionally honest story of brotherhood and the reality of living in America as an 'other.' The game values the boundless hope of the two young men at its center, and without invalidating America’s darkness. The gameplay is spent in dialogue trees, where the puzzle-solving takes a backseat to the building and maintaining of relationships. The cumulative choices are most impressive.


Jan 9, 2020

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Life is Strange 2 is a beautiful, poignant game that begs to be played. It is so thoughtful that anyone who does buy it is going to feel something when playing it. It is an experience that you will not soon forget after completion. The reviewer highly recommends taking the time to fully go through and savor the game.

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Dec 10, 2019

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Life is Strange 2 is a brave and emotionally impactful sequel that tackles complex themes with depth and authenticity. Despite some initial pacing issues and technical shortcomings, the game excels in storytelling, decision-making, and character development, offering a memorable and thought-provoking experience.

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Oct 9, 2018

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Life is Strange 2 is a great narrative game that follows the journey of two brothers on the run to Mexico. The story includes real-world concerns and the choices made by the player impact the narrative. The visuals and sound design are stunning, and the voice acting is extremely well done. The gameplay involves making choices that impact the narrative, and while the pacing can be an issue, it is overall solid. It is definitely worth adding to your collection.

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Dec 6, 2019

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Life is Strange 2 ends its run with a poignant, rich, and contemporary story. The game is more contemplative than interactive, but it has an extraordinary soundtrack, great voice acting, and several different endings. The game comes to a close after holding us in suspense for over a year.

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Dec 22, 2019

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Life is Strange 2 is a unique and intense narrative adventure that explores delicate and complex topics. The game's solid story, excellent art design, and voice acting make it a memorable experience. However, the lack of variety in gameplay mechanics and puzzles may make the game feel repetitive at times. Overall, Life is Strange 2 is a game worth playing for those who enjoy narrative-driven games.

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Dec 4, 2019

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Life is Strange 2 is a mature and well-crafted narrative experience that explores important themes and features memorable protagonists. However, the gameplay is lacking compared to the first game, and the settings and characters are less iconic and personal. The game's soundtrack is powerful and emotional, and the variety of choices and decisions allow for multiple playthroughs. The episodic release format may make it difficult for some players to remember the story and its choices.

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Feb 3, 2023

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Life is Strange 2 is an excellent narrative adventure full of emotional ups and downs. The game features branching narratives that feel meaningful, and the brotherly bond between Sean and Daniel is a powerful one. The Nintendo Switch port may be inferior to PC, PlayStation, or Xbox, but it is a functional game that retained most of the elements of the original. It is recommended for players who have not touched the series or this particular entry yet and only have a Switch.

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