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Mass Effect 2

GenresAdventure, Action, Third Person Perspective, Shooter, RPG, Drama, Single Player
AvailableJan 26, 2010

Are you prepared to lose everything to save the galaxy? You'll need to be, Commander Shephard. It's time to bring together your greatest allies and recruit the galaxy's fighting elite to continue the resistance against the invading Reapers. So steel yourself, because this is an astronomical mission where sacrifices must be made. You'll face tougher choices and new, deadlier enemies. Arm yourself and prepare for an unforgettable intergalactic adventure. Game Features: Shift the fight in your favour. Equip yourself with powerful new weapons almost instantly thanks to a new inventory system. Plus, an improved health regeneration system means you'll spend less time hunting for restorative items. Make every decision matter. Divisive crew members are just the tip of the iceberg, Commander, because you'll also be tasked with issues of intergalactic diplomacy. And time's a wastin' so don't be afraid to use new prompt-based actions that let you interrupt conversations, even if they could alter the fate of your crew...and the galaxy. Forge new alliances, carefully. You'll fight alongside some of your most trustworthy crew members, but you'll also get the opportunity to recruit new talent. Just choose your new partners with care because the fate of the galaxy rests on your shoulders, Commander.

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Critics overwhelmingly praise Mass Effect 2's story for its engaging mysteries, moral ambiguity, and character development. Described as captivating and emotionally impactful, the game's narrative depth and player choices create a compelling experience. While some critics focus more on gameplay improvements, the consensus is clear: Mass Effect 2's exceptional story fulfills its promise, immersing players in a galaxy-spanning adventure filled with hard decisions and memorable characters.

The opinions of the critics regarding the story of Mass Effect 2 are overwhelmingly positive. Many critics praised the engaging and captivating nature of the story, highlighting its mysteries, moral ambiguity, and character development. Game Informer commends the story for its engaging mysteries, while Hardcore Gamer states that it is a gripping game with memorable characters and hard decisions. IGN UK describes the story as engrossing and emotionally impactful, with a simple but effective arc, and Guardian mentions that it is compelling with choices that affect the player's character and other characters' reactions. These positive opinions highlight the depth and complexity of the story, as well as its ability to evoke emotional responses from players. However, there were a few critics who did not provide specific opinions about the story. GameShark, for example, focuses more on the improved gameplay mechanics rather than the story itself. While this does not necessarily indicate a negative opinion, it does suggest that the story may not have been the main focus for this particular critic. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the story of Mass Effect 2 is exceptional. IGN mentions that it fulfills the promise of its predecessor and continues the saga of Commander Shepard in a future where all sentient life across the galaxy is in peril. Eurogamer Italy describes the story as deep and engaging, pushing players to explore the galaxy in search of adventure and answers. Planet Xbox 360 goes as far as calling it the best story-driven video game the reviewer has ever played, connecting on a truly emotional level. These opinions, along with the majority of positive reviews, indicate that the story of Mass Effect 2 is a standout feature of the game and a significant factor in its overall success.


Mass Effect 2's gameplay wows critics with improved combat mechanics, intelligent teammate AI, and a perfect blend of RPG elements and action. Positive reviews outweigh minor flaws, praising the refined third-person cover-based combat and enhanced biotic powers. Overall, critics hail the game as a significant improvement over its predecessor, showcasing stunning gameplay that combines action, strategy, and exploration.

The majority of the critics have praised the gameplay of Mass Effect 2, with many highlighting the improvements in combat mechanics and the focus on action. Game Informer commends the shift away from RPG elements and the improved combat scenarios, while GameShark mentions the smoother combat experience and better squad AI. Gaming Target compares the combat system to Gears of War and states that it improves on the original game. Hardcore Gamer and IGN both mention the fantastic gameplay, blending RPG elements and tactics into third-person shooter mechanics. Eurogamer Italy describes the game as a mix of action, strategy, and exploration, praising its depth and fun. Overall, the positive aspects of the gameplay include improved shooter mechanics, intelligent teammate AI, smoother combat experience, and a mix of RPG elements and action. While the majority of the critics had positive opinions about the gameplay, there were a few mentions of flaws in the combat controls and inventory system of the original game. Kikizo notes that these issues have been addressed in the sequel. However, the negative aspects of the gameplay are not extensively discussed, and the overall sentiment leans towards the positive aspects of Mass Effect 2's gameplay. In conclusion, the overall consensus among the critics is that the gameplay of Mass Effect 2 is very good. The majority of the critics praise the improvements in combat mechanics, the focus on action, and the blend of RPG elements and tactics. The refined, third-person cover-based combat is highly regarded, with critics like VideoGamer and Wired mentioning its stunning nature. The positive aspects of the gameplay outweigh any potential negatives, as the critics' opinions are generally positive. Mass Effect 2's gameplay is seen as a significant improvement over the first game, with a stronger emphasis on gunplay, better-focused biotic powers, and a more action-influenced experience.


Critics rave about Mass Effect 2's top-notch graphics, praising its stunning visuals and immersive design. While some minor issues were noted, the game's impressive environments and attention to detail set it apart from the competition, earning high praise across the board.

In analyzing the opinions of multiple videogame reviewers regarding the Graphics and Visual Design of Mass Effect 2, it is evident that the majority of critics were highly impressed with the game's visuals. The positive aspects highlighted by the reviewers include crisp and high production value graphics (Gaming Target), moody and sombre visuals with atmospheric locations (IGN UK), breathtakingly beautiful environments with a grander scale and variety (Kikizo), and improved graphics with wonderful environments (Meristation). Additionally, VideoGamer and Eurogamer both emphasize that Mass Effect 2 stands head and shoulders above its peers in terms of graphics. While the overall sentiment towards the graphics and visual design of Mass Effect 2 is overwhelmingly positive, there are a few minor criticisms mentioned by some reviewers. For instance, notes occasional texture issues and frame rate drops in the PS3 version. also mentions that the textures have not been improved for the PS3 version. However, it is important to note that these criticisms are relatively minor and do not significantly impact the overall positive reception of the game's graphics. Taking into account the opinions of multiple critics, it is clear that Mass Effect 2 received high praise for its graphics and visual design. The game is described as having stunning visuals (Eurogamer) with moments of beauty and class (Eurogamer Italy). IGN AU highlights the polished and professional visual design, while The A.V. Club appreciates the new cinematic aspects that enhance immersion. Furthermore, Wired mentions that the galaxy in Mass Effect 2 feels more lively and dangerous, with fresh new worlds to explore. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Mass Effect 2 delivers impressive graphics and visual design that surpasses its peers in the gaming industry (VideoGamer). The game's improved graphics, breathtaking environments, and attention to detail contribute to its overall positive reception in terms of visual presentation.


Critics unanimously praise Mass Effect 2's sound design and music, highlighting stellar voice acting, well-written dialogue, and immersive atmosphere creation. Specific performances, like Martin Sheen's and Jennifer Hale's, stand out. The bombastic soundtrack and attention to detail in sound effects enhance the gaming experience. Overall, critics have no negative comments, indicating a high-quality audio experience that elevates the game's reception.

The opinions of the critics regarding the sound design and music of Mass Effect 2 are overwhelmingly positive. Gaming Target praises the voice acting and dialogue, mentioning the fine voice work and well-written dialogue. IGN also highlights the powerful voice acting, with specific voice actors being mentioned as high points in the all-star cast. IGN UK further praises the voice acting, with Martin Sheen's performance as The Illusive Man standing out, as well as Jennifer Hale's portrayal of the female protagonist. Wired describes the writing and voice acting as stellar, with Jennifer Hale's performance as female Commander Shepard being particularly notable. Guardian mentions that the sound design effectively creates a sci-fi atmosphere, with moments of silence and Shepard's ragged breathing. The positive aspects of the sound design and music in Mass Effect 2 are clearly highlighted by the critics. The voice acting is consistently praised, with multiple critics mentioning specific performances that stood out. The well-written dialogue and fine voice work contribute to the immersive experience of the game. The bombastic soundtrack selector mentioned by Edge Magazine adds to the overall enjoyment of the game, providing a dynamic and engaging musical backdrop. The sound effects of the new weapons are also mentioned, indicating that attention to detail was given to create an immersive and realistic audio experience. While the majority of the critics have positive opinions about the sound design and music of Mass Effect 2, there are no specific negative comments mentioned in the given opinions. This suggests that the overall consensus among the critics is that the sound design and music of Mass Effect 2 are of high quality and effectively enhance the gaming experience. The positive feedback from multiple critics, such as Gaming Target, IGN, IGN UK, Wired, and Guardian, further supports this consensus. The combination of stellar voice acting, well-written dialogue, immersive sound design, and engaging music contribute to the overall positive reception of the sound design and music in Mass Effect 2.


Critics rave about the stellar voice acting in Mass Effect 2, especially praising performances by Martin Sheen, Seth Green, and Jennifer Hale. The all-star cast shines, with IGN, Wired, and others highlighting the top-notch dialogue and immersive experience. Despite a few critics lacking specifics, overall consensus is overwhelmingly positive for the high-quality voice work enhancing the game's cinematic feel.

The voice acting in Mass Effect 2 receives overwhelmingly positive reviews from the critics. Many critics specifically highlight the performances of Martin Sheen and Seth Green as standout examples of fine voice work. Gaming Target and IGN both mention these performances as high points in the all-star cast. IGN UK also praises the voice acting overall, with Martin Sheen and Jennifer Hale's performances standing out. Wired specifically mentions Jennifer Hale's stellar performance as female Commander Shepard. The A.V. Club commends the well-written and well-performed dialogue, while VideoGamer describes the cinematic dialogue system, voice acting, and facial animations as stunning in every cut scene. While the majority of critics have positive opinions about the voice acting in Mass Effect 2, there are a few critics who do not provide specific information or opinions on the voice acting. Kikizo, for example, mentions that the original game had digital acting but does not provide any specific information about the voice acting in Mass Effect 2. This lack of specific information can be seen as a negative point in their review. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the voice acting in Mass Effect 2 is of high quality and adds to the immersive experience of the game. The performances of Martin Sheen, Seth Green, Jennifer Hale, and other members of the all-star cast are praised for their talent and contribution to the game's cinematic dialogue system. The well-written dialogue and improved immersion through the new cinematic aspects are also highlighted as positive aspects of the voice acting. The few critics who do not provide specific opinions on the voice acting do not detract from the overall positive consensus.


Mass Effect 2 impressed critics with its technical performance on PC and Xbox 360, addressing issues like texture pop-in and load times. While the PS3 version had some mixed opinions due to occasional texture issues and frame rate drops, overall, critics found the game's technical performance strong and commendable across all platforms.

In terms of technical performance, Mass Effect 2 received positive feedback from the majority of critics across different gaming platforms. On PC, IGN praised the game for addressing technical and presentational issues from its predecessor, resulting in a cleaner experience. Kikizo also played the game on PC and highlighted the complete eradication of the texture pop-in issue and significantly shorter load times. Meristation further supported the positive sentiment on PC, stating that the technical performance has been improved and the game is optimized. Moving on to the Xbox 360 version, Kikizo's review echoed the positive experience on PC, mentioning the elimination of texture pop-in and shorter load times. This indicates that the technical performance improvements were not limited to the PC platform, but also extended to the Xbox 360. However, when it comes to the PlayStation 3 version, there were some mixed opinions. noted occasional texture issues and frame rate drops, suggesting that the technical performance might not have been as seamless as on PC and Xbox 360. On the other hand, Gamers' Temple had a different experience, stating that the PS3 version ran smoothly without any slowdowns. While there were some minor concerns raised by, it is important to note that the majority of critics still thought the technical performance of Mass Effect 2 was very good across all platforms. Overall, the consensus among critics is that Mass Effect 2 delivered a strong technical performance. The improvements made on PC, such as addressing previous issues and optimizing the game, were well-received by IGN and Meristation. The positive feedback from Kikizo on both PC and Xbox 360 further supports the notion that the technical performance enhancements were consistent across platforms. Although there were some occasional texture issues and frame rate drops mentioned by for the PS3 version, the overall sentiment remains positive, as Gamers' Temple reported a smooth experience on the same platform. Therefore, the majority of critics agree that the technical performance of Mass Effect 2 was commendable on all gaming platforms.


Critics praise Mass Effect 2 for its strong replay value due to different choices, consequences, and alternative storylines. Positive aspects include player choices, save imports, hidden missions, and rewards. Some critics mention concerns about content worth the price and character deaths impacting save imports for Mass Effect 3. Overall, the consensus is that Mass Effect 2 offers compelling reasons to replay with engaging story differences and DLC content.

The opinions of the critics regarding the replay value of Mass Effect 2 are generally positive. Many critics highlight the game's ability to offer a fresh experience through different choices and consequences, allowing players to replay the game and explore alternative storylines. Gaming Target mentions that the player's choices contribute to the game's replay value, while YouGamers emphasizes the impact of importing saves from the first game and the potential carryover to the third game. GamerNode also praises the hidden side missions and rewards that add to the replay value. These positive aspects suggest that Mass Effect 2 provides a compelling reason for players to revisit the game multiple times. However, there are also some negative aspects mentioned by critics. Edge Magazine suggests that some players may not find the additional content and customization options worth the price, potentially impacting the replay value for those individuals. Additionally, Hardcore Gamer mentions that the final set of battles in the game can result in character deaths, making it impossible to import the save into Mass Effect 3. This limitation may deter some players from replaying the game, as they may prefer to maintain their characters' continuity throughout the trilogy. These negative aspects highlight potential barriers to fully enjoying the replay value of Mass Effect 2. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Mass Effect 2 offers significant replay value. The ability to make different choices and experience alternative storylines, as well as the impact of importing saves from the first game, are frequently mentioned as positive aspects. The presence of hidden side missions, rewards for exploration, and the seamless integration of DLC content are also highlighted as factors contributing to the game's replayability. While there are some concerns raised about the price and potential limitations in character continuity, the overall sentiment is that Mass Effect 2 provides an engaging and replayable experience for players. Critics such as IGN AU and specifically recommend playing the game multiple times to fully appreciate the fascinating differences in the story and the extended gameplay offered by additional DLC content.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Mass Effect 2: A gaming masterpiece hailed by critics for its gripping storyline, memorable characters, and impressive production value. Minor drawbacks like lack of planet-side exploration do little to overshadow its excellence. A must-play RPG that pushes the genre forward and solidifies Bioware's place in gaming history.

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55 reviews found


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

Mass Effect 2 is possibly the greatest role-playing game of all time.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

The review concludes that Mass Effect 2 is an amazing game from start to finish, with memorable characters and a believable world. It is praised as the crown jewel in Bioware's RPG crown and one of the most compelling games in the medium.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

Mass Effect 2 is praised as a work of bold ambition and one of gaming's most exciting sequels, despite some faults.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

The review praises Mass Effect 2 as a better game in near every way and states that even if you didn't play Mass Effect 1, this game is worth playing.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

The reviewer enjoys the game and considers it a great game worth playing.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

A gripping, ultra-cinematic storyline with memorable characters that improves upon the first game's flaws


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

The review states that Mass Effect 2 is the most incredible gaming experience BioWare has ever created.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

The review praises Mass Effect 2 for its impressive production value and how it blends elements from other great games.


Jan 1, 1970

This is an AI summary of the review and not a direct quote.

The review suggests that Mass Effect 2 is a worthy sequel and captures the essence of the Mass Effect series.


Jan 1, 1970

BioWare made a great game with Mass Effect, but Mass Effect 2 is better in every single way. Mass Effect 2 proves that BioWare is one of the world's top game developers, and hopefully it will continue creating really great experiences like this forever.

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