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Metal Gear Survive

GenresAdventure, Action, Third Person Perspective, Shooter, Horror, Stealth, Strategy, Single Player, Multiplayer
AvailableFeb 20, 2018
PlatformPC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

In a struggle to stay alive on this harsh terrain filled with deadly creatures, soldiers who were previously on Motherbase now must work cooperatively in order to survive.

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Critics praise Metal Gear Survive for subtle references and engaging twists, but the majority slam it for a bland, disconnected story lacking depth and coherence. The narrative fails to capture the essence of the Metal Gear universe, with forgettable characters and uninspiring plot elements. Overall, the consensus is overwhelmingly negative, with reviewers criticizing the storytelling as convoluted, cheesy, and ultimately pointless, failing to meet the standards of the franchise.

In analyzing the opinions of several critics regarding the story of Metal Gear Survive, there are some positive aspects highlighted by a few reviewers. For instance, EGM mentions subtle references to Metal Gear Solid V and a twist that engages hardcore fans, while Generación Xbox praises the well-crafted storyline with unexpected twists and engaging elements. Additionally, New Game Network appreciates the cohesive story tied to MGS V lore, showcasing a solid narrative with immersive elements. These critics acknowledge certain narrative elements that add depth and engagement to the overall storytelling experience. On the other hand, the majority of critics express negative sentiments towards the story of Metal Gear Survive. Critics like FANDOM, Game Informer, and GameStar criticize the story for being bland, uninteresting, and disconnected from the Metal Gear universe. They highlight issues such as forgettable characters, lackluster dialogues, and a narrative that fails to capture the essence of previous Metal Gear games. The Daily Dot and Polygon further emphasize the lack of confidence in the storytelling, with the latter describing the plot as bewildering, cheesy, and ultimately pointless. These criticisms collectively point towards a significant lack of depth, coherence, and engaging storytelling in Metal Gear Survive. Overall, the consensus among the critics leans heavily towards a negative assessment of the story in Metal Gear Survive. While a few reviewers appreciate certain twists or tie-ins to the Metal Gear Solid V lore, the general sentiment revolves around the story being uninspiring, disconnected from the series' roots, and lacking in engaging elements. The narrative is often described as mindless, convoluted, and failing to live up to the standards set by previous Metal Gear titles. With criticisms ranging from shallow writing to unengaging characters and a lack of meaningful connections to the Metal Gear universe, it is evident that the story of Metal Gear Survive falls short of expectations and fails to resonate with both fans and newcomers to the franchise.


Metal Gear Survive's gameplay drew mixed reviews. Critics highlighted enjoyable aspects like sneaking up on zombies and base management, but criticized the tedious and repetitive nature, lack of variety, and imbalanced survival mechanics. Overall, the game struggled to provide a consistently engaging and satisfying experience for most critics.

In Metal Gear Survive, several critics found positive aspects in the gameplay. Game Informer praised the satisfaction of sneaking up on zombies and the diverse combat options as players progress. Video Chums enjoyed the addictive gameplay loop, managing their base, upgrading stats, and battling creatures. The Games Machine appreciated the combination of Metal Gear Solid V's control system with survival mechanics, providing a familiar yet engaging experience. These elements highlight the potential for enjoyable moments within the game's mechanics. On the other hand, numerous critics pointed out various negatives in Metal Gear Survive's gameplay. Impulsegamer, from the start, described the gameplay as tedious and soul-destroying, with bland missions and poor enemy AI. Metro GameCentral and CGMagazine criticized the dull and repetitive nature of the gameplay, lacking variety and relying on repetitive strategies. The Washington Post highlighted the significant imbalance between the need for food and water and the availability of these resources, leading to disruptions in gameplay flow. These criticisms underscore the issues with repetitiveness, lack of variety, and imbalance in survival mechanics. Overall, the consensus among critics regarding Metal Gear Survive's gameplay leans towards the negative spectrum. While some found enjoyment in aspects like base management, combat progression, and survival mechanics, the overwhelming sentiment points towards tedious and repetitive gameplay loops, lack of variety in missions and combat, and imbalanced survival mechanics. The game's focus on resource management, crafting, and base-building was often criticized for becoming monotonous and laborious, overshadowing any potential enjoyment that could be derived from the core gameplay loop. Despite a few positive remarks on specific elements, the general consensus suggests that Metal Gear Survive's gameplay fails to deliver a consistently engaging and satisfying experience for most critics.


Critics are divided on Metal Gear Survive's graphics and visual design. Some praise the atmospheric environments and use of the Fox Engine, while others criticize the lack of color variety and uninspired design with reused assets. The general consensus is that while the game has its moments, it falls short of delivering a visually captivating experience and struggles to stand out compared to its predecessor.

The graphics and visual design of Metal Gear Survive have received a mix of opinions from critics. Some positive aspects highlighted by reviewers include the atmospheric environments that create tension and a sense of nervousness when exploring outside safe areas. Critics like Areajugones and Destructoid praised the use of the Fox Engine, with Destructoid specifically mentioning the beautiful visuals it provides. EGM appreciated the familiarity of the Fox Engine from Metal Gear Solid V, stating that it made fans feel at home. Additionally, The Daily Dot commended the open-world exploration mechanics and the remarkable set pieces in the harsh conditions of the game. On the other hand, several critics expressed negative views on the graphics and visual design of Metal Gear Survive. Many critics, such as God is a Geek, Hobby Consolas, and Impulsegamer, criticized the lack of color variety, dull environments, and reused assets from Metal Gear Solid V, leading to a sense of blandness and uninspired design. PC Gamer described the world as unappealing, lacking visual appeal, and not compelling enough to explore. IGN Spain mentioned the game's reliance on recycled assets, which detracted from the overall experience, while PlaySense and GameSpew found the graphics to be unimpressive and bland, respectively. Overall, the consensus among critics leans towards a more critical view of the graphics and visual design of Metal Gear Survive. While some appreciated the atmospheric environments and the use of the Fox Engine, a significant number of reviewers found fault in the lack of originality, uninspired design, and repetitive use of assets from Metal Gear Solid V. The general sentiment suggests that while the game may have some visually immersive moments and familiar elements for fans of the series, it falls short in delivering a truly captivating and visually engaging experience. Critics like Press Start Australia and Polygon highlighted the game's reliance on recycled assets, reinforcing the notion that Metal Gear Survive struggles to stand out visually compared to its predecessor and other titles in the franchise.


Critics are divided on the Sound Design and Music of Metal Gear Survive. While praised for immersive sound design and nostalgic musical tributes, the game falls short with forgettable music and lackluster voice acting. The overall reception is mixed, with positive aspects overshadowed by critical reviews, indicating missed potential for a truly engaging audio experience.

The positive aspects of the Sound Design and Music in Metal Gear Survive, as highlighted by critics, include the immersive sound design that enhances the overall experience, as noted by Areajugones. Additionally, Wccftech mentions the presence of musical tributes to previous Konami games in hidden cassette tapes, which adds depth and nostalgia to the gameplay. MondoXbox also praises the sound design for complementing the gameplay experience, particularly in creating a diverse and engaging atmosphere during missions and combat scenarios. On the other hand, several critics, including Giant Bomb across different platforms, express negative opinions regarding the Sound Design and Music of Metal Gear Survive. They criticize the game for lacking memorable music or standout sound design, leading to an overall forgettable audio experience. The voice acting is singled out for failing to bring life to the script, with Giant Bomb particularly emphasizing the lifeless nature of the dialogue delivery. These criticisms indicate a significant gap in the game's audio elements that could have elevated the overall immersion and engagement for players. Overall, the consensus among critics regarding the Sound Design and Music of Metal Gear Survive leans towards a mixed reception. While there are commendable aspects such as the immersive sound design and the inclusion of musical tributes, the lack of memorable music, and subpar voice acting detract from the overall audio experience, as highlighted by Giant Bomb's reviews across different platforms. The positive elements mentioned by MondoXbox and Areajugones are somewhat overshadowed by the more critical assessments, indicating a missed opportunity for the game to excel in its audio presentation. Despite some bright spots, the general sentiment suggests that the Sound Design and Music in Metal Gear Survive fall short of leaving a lasting impact on players.


Critics had mixed feelings about the voice acting in Metal Gear Survive. While the option to choose between English and Japanese voiceovers added immersion, most critics found the overall quality lacking. Complaints included unengaging performances, lack of depth, and terrible line reads, making the dialogue dull and impacting player connection with the story. The consensus is that the voice acting fell short of expectations and failed to bring the game to life.

The voice acting in Metal Gear Survive received mixed reviews from critics. Some positives highlighted by critics include the option to choose between English or Japanese voiceovers, as mentioned by Vandal. This choice provides players with a sense of immersion and personalization in their gameplay experience. Additionally, the character Virgil, described by Polygon as a wackier version of HAL-9000, adds a unique and potentially entertaining element to the game's dialogue. On the negative side, the majority of critics expressed disappointment in the overall quality of the voice acting. Giant Bomb, in both their PS4 and Xbox One reviews, criticized the voice acting for failing to bring life to the game's script. They noted that the cast's performances lacked depth and engagement, making the dialog segments uninteresting. EGM pointed out that the player character's lack of voice in cutscenes and radio conversations made it challenging for players to connect with the melodramatic cast, impacting the overall immersion in the story. DarkStation also highlighted instances of terrible line reads in the game, further detracting from the overall quality of the voice acting. Overall, the consensus among critics is that the voice acting in Metal Gear Survive falls short of expectations. The slow and maddening quips of the AI at the Base Camp, as mentioned by COGconnected, contribute to the overall lackluster performance. The dialogue and NPC interactions, as noted by PlayStation Country, are described as boring and lacking charm, failing to capture the usual sense of personality found in the Metal Gear series. The criticisms from various critics collectively paint a picture of voice acting that struggles to elevate the game's narrative and engage players effectively.


Critics praised Metal Gear Survive for smooth graphics on PS4 but criticized issues like game shutdowns and repetitive designs. PC players faced frustrations with the save system. Xbox One had mixed reviews with stability on Xbox One X but issues on Xbox One S. Overall, technical challenges like always-online requirements and server issues hindered the game's performance across all platforms.

In terms of technical performance on the PS4 platform, several critics highlighted both positive and negative aspects. Critics such as Push Square and Vandal appreciated the smooth framerate and stable graphics provided by the Fox Engine. However, issues such as occasional game shutdowns due to the always-online requirement, frame rate problems, and save file debacles were noted by critics like Destructoid, Hobby Consolas, and PlayStation Universe. The lack of color variety, repetitive environments, and uninspired creature designs mentioned by Vandal also contributed to the negative technical performance feedback on the PS4. Moving on to the PC platform, GameStar pointed out issues with the save system, where manual saving is not possible, leading to frustrating situations. This limitation impacted the overall experience for players on PC. Despite no major technical issues mentioned by Wccftech, the online-only requirement was highlighted as a downside, affecting the gameplay experience for some users. On the Xbox One platform, critics had mixed opinions regarding technical performance. Game Rant praised the smooth running of the game with very few issues, while Generación Xbox noted that the Xbox One X version offered stable performance, but the Xbox One S version faced performance issues. IGN Spain criticized the constant internet connection requirement for the single-player campaign on Xbox One, deeming it unnecessary. Overall, the consensus among the critics indicates that Metal Gear Survive faces technical challenges across all platforms, with issues such as always-online requirements, frame rate problems, save system frustrations, and server issues being commonly mentioned. Critics like The Daily Dot and Telegraph highlighted the pervasive server issues and frustrating save system, contributing to a lack of stability and technical polish in the game. While some positive aspects were acknowledged, such as stable graphics and smooth framerates on certain platforms, the overall sentiment leans towards technical performance being a significant drawback for Metal Gear Survive across the board.


Metal Gear Survive's replay value is a mixed bag according to critics. Positive aspects like engaging cooperative multiplayer missions and seamless progression between modes boost its appeal for some reviewers. However, drawbacks such as repetitive gameplay, lack of depth, and microtransactions dampen the overall replayability for many. While the game offers diversity in character customization and challenging bosses, its shortcomings in gameplay variety and microtransaction reliance hinder its potential for extended play.

The Replay Value of Metal Gear Survive has received mixed opinions from critics, with some positive aspects highlighted by reviewers. Critics like and MondoXbox appreciate the game's cooperative multiplayer mode, offering engaging missions with upgrades and rewards that enhance replayability. The ability for progress to carry over from single-player to multiplayer also adds to the game's replay value, providing a seamless experience for players transitioning between modes. Additionally, the presence of optional challenging bosses, character customization, and diverse gameplay possibilities, as mentioned by Hobby Consolas and Vandal, contribute positively to the game's overall replayability. On the other hand, several critics have pointed out various negatives that impact the Replay Value of Metal Gear Survive. App Trigger and Digital Trends mention the tedious and repetitive gameplay, lack of depth, and scarce resources as detriments to the game's replayability. The inclusion of microtransactions, highlighted by Atomix and, is seen as a limiting factor that may discourage players from engaging in multiple playthroughs. The repetitive nature of the multiplayer mode, as noted by Polygon and TheSixthAxis, along with the lack of progression, variety, and tactical depth in co-op missions, as stated by Game Debate, also contribute to the game's reduced replay value. Overall, the consensus among critics is that Metal Gear Survive offers some replay value through its cooperative multiplayer mode and engaging missions, but this is often overshadowed by its repetitive gameplay, lack of depth, and reliance on microtransactions. While some reviewers appreciate the seamless transition between single-player and multiplayer modes, others find the overall experience to be lacking in variety and progression. The presence of microtransactions, as mentioned by several critics such as Hobby Consolas and Generación Xbox, is a common concern that detracts from the game's replayability. In conclusion, while Metal Gear Survive has its strengths in cooperative gameplay and progression mechanics, its shortcomings in gameplay variety and microtransaction implementation ultimately impact its overall replay value, as highlighted by a majority of critics.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Critics praised Metal Gear Survive for its unique survival horror style and challenging co-op gameplay, but most criticized its failure to meet Metal Gear Solid standards, repetitive gameplay, unengaging mechanics, and intrusive microtransactions. Overall, the game disappoints by not capturing the essence of the Metal Gear franchise and is not recommended for fans or players seeking a standout gaming experience in the survival genre.

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151 reviews found


Feb 28, 2018

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Metal Gear Survive is a polished survival game with over a hundred hours of gameplay, despite backlash from fans regarding its connection to the Metal Gear franchise.

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Feb 27, 2018

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The reviewer concluded that Metal Gear Survive doesn't offer the same level of immersion as past Metal Gear games, but it is still one of the most addictive survival-based gaming experiences they have played.

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Mar 6, 2018

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Despite some flaws like microtransactions and performance issues on Xbox One S, the game is recommended for survival game enthusiasts for its engaging gameplay and well-crafted storyline.

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Mar 1, 2018

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Metal Gear Survive is a great game with some issues in the story and microtransactions. The developers put in time and effort to make something worthwhile, and it offers enjoyable content for its budget price.


Feb 26, 2018

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Metal Gear Survive is a strong spinoff in the franchise, but the story and multiplayer aspects hold it back from being truly great.

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Feb 25, 2018

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Metal Gear Survive is described as a different experience from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, but not inherently a bad game. It has a punishing but fascinating open world, a crafting system, and a suitably bizarre story. It is likely to please those who give it a solid chance.

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Feb 25, 2018

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Offers value for its price despite flaws, enjoyable gameplay, challenging combat, and teamwork in co-op mode. Could have been better received without the Metal Gear branding.

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Mar 4, 2018

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Metal Gear Survive is a challenging and immersive survival game that deviates from the traditional stealth gameplay of the series. Despite facing skepticism, it offers a well-made experience with a unique survival focus.

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Feb 26, 2018

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Considered a decent survival title with solid gameplay mechanics and potential for post-launch support.

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Feb 25, 2018

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Metal Gear Survive is not a bad game, but its association with the Metal Gear franchise may overshadow its merits as a solid zombie survival game.

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