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Just Cause 4

GenresAdventure, Action, Third Person Perspective, Shooter, Crime, Open World, Single Player
AvailableDec 4, 2018
PlatformPC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
DeveloperAvalanche Studios

Set in the fictional South American world of Solis, JUST CAUSE 4 takes the series incredible destruction and unique physics to a whole new level with the introduction of tornadoes and other Extreme Weather events. JUST CAUSE 4 has four distinct biomes: Rainforest, Grasslands, Alpine & Desert. With each biome offering its own individual, fully simulated weather event, players will have a truly unique experience as they traverse this deep, diverse world. Rico Rodriguez returns in JUST CAUSE 4 with his trademark parachute, wingsuit and, of course his grapple hook, now enhanced with new functionality and fully customisable. Making it the most powerful and creative tool the player has ever had.

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Critics are divided on Just Cause 4's story, with some praising attempts to humanize characters but many criticizing it as weak, uninteresting, and forgettable. The consensus is that the narrative takes a backseat to action, lacking depth and originality. Overall, critics agree that the story is a weak point of the game, with little to offer in terms of compelling storytelling.

The opinions of the critics regarding the story of Just Cause 4 are quite varied. Some critics, such as Game Over Online and Slant Magazine, appreciate the game's attempt to humanize the characters and provide a stronger narrative purpose to each mission. This suggests that there are positive aspects to the storytelling in Just Cause 4. Additionally, Softpedia mentions the archaeological aspect of the villain adding some interest to the plot, and Video Chums finds the premise of the story somewhat interesting with a compelling cast of characters. On the other hand, many critics express negative opinions about the story. IGN Italia, Easy Allies, and GameCrate all criticize the story for being minimal, lacking substance, and having uninteresting characters. AusGamers and Push Square specifically mention that the story in Just Cause 4 is essentially the same as previous games, with an uninteresting villain and a clichéd and uninteresting plot. Metro GameCentral and The Digital Fix also find the storytelling dull, generic, and lacking novelty. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the story of Just Cause 4 is a weak point of the game. Critics like GameWatcher, Gaming Age, and Game Informer consider the plot uninteresting and unimportant, with some even stating that the story is not worth mentioning. The general sentiment is that the story takes a backseat to the action and destruction, and players are unlikely to come to Just Cause 4 for its narrative. The lack of commitment to new ideas and the repetitive and forgettable nature of the campaign are also mentioned by GameCritics and Gamers Heroes. The majority of critics agree that the story in Just Cause 4 is not a strong aspect of the game. In conclusion, while there are a few positive aspects to the story of Just Cause 4, such as attempts to humanize characters and provide stronger narrative purpose, the overall sentiment among the critics is negative. The story is described as weak, uninteresting, forgettable, and lacking depth. The lack of commitment to new ideas and the repetitive nature of the campaign also contribute to the negative reception. Critics generally agree that the story takes a backseat to the action and destruction, and players are unlikely to find the narrative compelling.


Critics generally praise Just Cause 4 for its open world, wide range of abilities, and satisfying movement system, allowing for over-the-top action and destruction. Positive points include destructibility, weapon mods, extreme weather control, and creative combat options. However, criticisms include repetitive missions and lack of challenge. Overall, critics find the gameplay fun and entertaining, with some minor flaws.

The opinions of the critics regarding the gameplay of Just Cause 4 are largely positive. Many critics praise the game for its open world and the wide range of abilities and powers that the protagonist, Rico Rodriguez, possesses. GameSpace, IGN Italia, and Easy Allies all highlight the destructibility of the game's world and the satisfying movement system, which includes the use of a parachute, wingsuit, and grappling hook. These features contribute to a sense of freedom and allow for over-the-top action and destruction. The addition of weapon mods and the ability to control extreme weather are also noted as notable features by Easy Allies. The Digital Fix emphasizes the endless mobility and fluidity of the gameplay, as well as the creative combat options available, such as attaching balloons or rocket boosters to objects. The gameplay is described as chaotic and offering a lot of creative options for mayhem by Gamers Heroes. Variety mentions the ability to customize Rico's grappling hook/tether-gun, which adds depth to the destruction and allows for creative demolition. However, there are some criticisms regarding the gameplay of Just Cause 4. Several critics, such as AusGamers, GameCrate, and Video Chums, mention that the missions become repetitive quickly. The lack of challenge due to the protagonist being invincible is also mentioned by AusGamers. GameCrate and GameCritics specifically point out that the grappling hook, which is initially fun, becomes repetitive over time. GameCrate also criticizes the AI for being lacking and combat for lacking challenge. VideoGamer criticizes the mission structure for being repetitive, although they praise the traversal mechanics and combat as enjoyable. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Just Cause 4 offers a fun and entertaining gameplay experience. The open world, destructibility, and movement system are praised for providing a sense of freedom and allowing for creative destruction. The addition of new features like extreme weather control and customizable grappling hook/tether-gun are also appreciated. However, there are concerns about the repetitive nature of the missions and the lack of challenge. Despite these criticisms, the positive aspects of the gameplay outweigh the negatives, resulting in a generally positive reception among the critics.


Critics have mixed opinions on the graphics of Just Cause 4. Some praise its stunning visuals and weather effects, while others criticize glitchy effects and outdated visuals. Overall, the consensus is that the game falls short in terms of graphics, lacking polish and suffering from technical issues.

The opinions of the critics regarding the Graphics and Visual Design of Just Cause 4 are quite varied. Some critics, such as GameSpace and Impulsegamer, praise the game's visuals, highlighting stunning visuals, impressive weather effects, and well-designed environments. These positive aspects contribute to creating a visually appealing experience for players. However, there are also several negative opinions regarding the game's graphics. Critics like GameWatcher, Softpedia, and GameCrate criticize the graphics for various reasons, including glitchy effects, bland water effects, and rough textures. AusGamers and Game Over Online mention a lack of polish, with issues such as pop-ups, cutscene quality, and character models taking a hit. Other critics, such as GameCritics and Gaming Age, describe the visuals as outdated, with jagged edges, low-resolution, and plastic-looking character models. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that Just Cause 4 falls short in terms of its graphics and visual design. While there are some positive aspects, such as impressive weather effects and well-designed environments, the game is criticized for its lack of polish, outdated visuals, and various technical issues. Critics like Twinfinite and Video Chums specifically mention poor textures and strange animations, while others, like Cheat Code Central and Press Start Australia, highlight performance issues, pop-in, and rendering problems. Despite some moments of beauty, the overall sentiment is that Just Cause 4's graphics do not meet the standards set by other open-world games, and the game fails to fully utilize its potential in terms of visual design.


Critics praise Just Cause 4's sound design for impactful gunshots and Latin soundtrack, but some mention shortcomings like lacking depth in audio design and villain performances. Overall, the game's sound design and music are mostly positive, enhancing the gameplay experience.

In analyzing the opinions of multiple videogame reviewers regarding the Sound Design and Music of Just Cause 4, it is evident that there are both positive and negative aspects to be discussed. Starting with the positives, the sound design of Just Cause 4 is widely praised by several critics. IGN Italia and Game Over Online both commend the impactful gunshots and satisfying effects, with the latter noting that the overall sound design is quite good. Press Start Australia also highlights the Latin flavor of the soundtrack, which adds a unique and fitting element to the game. Additionally, TrueAchievements acknowledges that the core mechanics of the sound, particularly in relation to gunplay, are done right. However, there are also some criticisms regarding the Sound Design and Music of Just Cause 4. DarkStation, for instance, praises the soundtrack but criticizes the overall audio design for lacking impact. This suggests that while the music may be well-received, the implementation and integration of sound effects may not have reached the same level of quality. Game Over Online also mentions that the villains' performances lack depth, indicating that there might be some shortcomings in the voice acting or character portrayal. Overall, the consensus among the critics is that the Sound Design and Music of Just Cause 4 are generally positive. The sound design is well-done, with impactful gunshots and satisfying effects, as noted by IGN Italia and Game Over Online. The immersive and on-point audio, as mentioned by Impulsegamer, adds to the overall experience of the game. Additionally, the Latin flavor of the soundtrack, highlighted by Press Start Australia, complements the chaotic scenes well. While there are some criticisms regarding the lack of impact in the overall audio design, the positive aspects outweigh the negatives, making Just Cause 4 an enjoyable auditory experience for players.


Critics have mixed opinions on the voice acting in Just Cause 4. Some praise the performances of Rico and allies as convincing and well-acted, while others find the dialogue forgettable and the delivery flat. Overall, the consensus is that while there are positives like believable character interactions, there are also negatives such as lack of emotional depth and character development. Voice acting in the game is divisive, with strengths and weaknesses present.

The opinions of the critics regarding the voice acting in Just Cause 4 are varied, with some positive and negative aspects highlighted. Game Over Online, Twinfinite, and Cheat Code Central all praise the voice acting to some extent. Game Over Online commends the performances of Rico and his allies, stating that they sound great. Twinfinite describes the voice acting as a step up from the previous game, indicating an improvement in the overall quality. Cheat Code Central specifically mentions that the dialogue between characters is well-acted and believable. These positive opinions suggest that the voice actors successfully bring their characters to life and deliver convincing performances. However, there are also negative opinions regarding the voice acting in Just Cause 4. DarkStation mentions that the voice acting is competent, but the dialogue is forgettable. This suggests that while the actors may have delivered their lines adequately, the writing itself may not have been memorable or impactful. Press Start Australia goes further, describing the voice performances as flat and wooden. This criticism indicates a lack of emotional depth or nuance in the delivery, potentially resulting in a less engaging experience for players. Overall, the consensus among the critics leans towards a mixed reception of the voice acting in Just Cause 4. While there are positive aspects highlighted, such as the performances of Rico and his allies, there are also notable negatives, including forgettable dialogue and flat voice performances. Screen Rant adds to this consensus by mentioning that the voice cast is capable, but the characters, particularly the villain Gabriella, lack depth and development. This suggests that while the voice actors may have done a decent job, the overall characterization and writing may have hindered the potential impact of the voice acting. As a result, the voice acting in Just Cause 4 can be seen as a somewhat divisive aspect of the game, with both strengths and weaknesses present.


Critics had mixed opinions on the technical performance of Just Cause 4. While some praised improvements on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, others faced crashes, glitches, and poor AI. The game showed promise with stability and smooth framerates on certain platforms, but significant technical challenges were reported overall. Despite criticisms, patches and updates could potentially fix these issues and boost the game's performance.

In terms of the technical performance of Just Cause 4, the opinions of the critics varied across different gaming platforms. Starting with the positives, on the PC platform, IGN Italia mentioned that a recent patch improved the stability of the game, although some crashes still occur. Game Over Online also noted that the game performs better than its predecessor on the PS4, with fewer performance issues and slowdowns. TrueAchievements praised the Xbox One version, stating that the game runs well with very few framerate issues. These positive remarks indicate that the game's technical performance was satisfactory on these platforms. However, there were also several negative aspects mentioned by the critics. GameWatcher, Softpedia, and Twinfinite all experienced technical issues on the PC platform, such as crashes, glitches, and poor AI. AusGamers mentioned the lack of polish and performance issues on the PS4, although they acknowledged that patches and updates could potentially address these problems. Cheat Code Central and DarkStation criticized the Xbox One version for glitches, game-breaking bugs, and overall janky behavior. Game Informer and GameSpew also highlighted performance issues on the Xbox One, including stuttering framerates and low-res textures. These negative comments indicate that the game faced significant technical challenges on these platforms. Overall, the critics' consensus regarding the technical performance of Just Cause 4 is mixed. While some platforms, such as PC and Xbox One, received positive feedback in terms of stability and smooth framerates, there were also significant technical issues reported across all platforms. Critics like Slant Magazine and DarkStation mentioned issues with physics, unresponsive vehicles, and dumb AI, while GameWatcher and Cheat Code Central experienced crashes and game-breaking bugs. The overall sentiment suggests that Just Cause 4 had a problematic technical performance, with various platforms experiencing different issues. However, it is worth noting that some critics mentioned the potential for improvement through patches and updates, indicating that the developers had the opportunity to address these issues and enhance the game's technical performance.


Critics have varied opinions on the replay value of Just Cause 4. Some praise its fun gameplay, destructiveness, and challenges, while others criticize its repetitive nature and lack of incentives. Overall, the consensus is mixed, so players should consider these factors and their preferences before deciding on the game's replayability.

The opinions of the critics regarding the replay value of Just Cause 4 are varied. Some critics, such as Gaming Age and GameSpew, highlight the presence of a large and fun sandbox with numerous challenges and activities to unlock and complete, indicating potential replay value. AusGamers and Easy Allies, on the other hand, mention factors that could decrease replay value, such as the lack of multiplayer and the repetitive nature of the game world and missions. Additionally, critics like Impulsegamer and Screen Rant emphasize the game's destructive nature and enjoyable gameplay as contributing factors to its replay value. The Digital Fix and Game Informer mention the endless enjoyment and freedom to make your own fun in the game, which can keep players entertained for hours. TrueAchievements also notes that the game has a significant amount of content to complete for achievements, estimated to take 50 hours. However, there are also negative opinions regarding the replay value of Just Cause 4. Critics like Cheat Code Central and Critical Hit mention the game's potential for feeling repetitive quickly, with limited incentives to explore and conquer certain aspects of the game once they have been experienced. Press Start Australia describes the game's fun as fleeting and not extending to the story or campaign. ZTGD suggests that the reviewer fell off the game faster than anticipated, indicating a lack of long-term engagement. Overall, the consensus among the critics is mixed. While some critics highlight the potential for replay value in Just Cause 4 due to its fun gameplay, destructive nature, and various challenges and activities, others point out factors that could decrease replay value, such as the lack of multiplayer, repetitive missions, and limited incentives for exploration. It is important for players to consider these varying opinions and their own preferences when determining the potential replay value of the game.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Just Cause 4: Action-packed gameplay and open world praised, but criticized for lack of depth, weak story, and repetitive missions. Mixed reviews from critics highlight both strengths and flaws, with some calling it an improvement over its predecessor but ultimately falling short of expectations in terms of innovation and overall experience.

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171 reviews found


Dec 21, 2018

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The reviewer had a lot of fun with Just Cause 4 and recommends it, especially for those who haven't played Just Cause 3.

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Dec 3, 2018

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Just Cause 4 is the best entry in the series to date, offering insane action and a fun open world experience.

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Dec 11, 2018

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Just Cause 4 is a fun and entertaining game with a strong gameplay experience, despite some technical issues and a lackluster story.

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Dec 12, 2018

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Just Cause 4 is the best game in the series so far, despite some issues. The new system tied to Rico's tethering tool and the diverse setting make up for deficiencies in other areas.

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Dec 10, 2018

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Just Cause 4 is a fairly big improvement compared to the previous entry, but something still feels missing in the overall experience.


Dec 10, 2018

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Just Cause 4 is a fun and captivating game with weak points in story and endgame content, but the gameplay makes up for it.


Dec 4, 2018

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Just Cause 4 is another Just Cause game, offering a minimal story but a focus on destruction. The game's physics engine allows for impressive destruction and the movement system is fun and satisfying. The technical performance has improved but still has some issues.

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Dec 20, 2018

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Just Cause 4 delivers a polished experience that improves upon its predecessor. While it doesn't bring anything new to the open world genre, it offers enjoyable action and entertainment for fans of the series.

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Dec 11, 2018

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The review states that Just Cause 4 is not a bad game, but feels like a wasted opportunity due to the lackluster campaign and limited freedom during missions.

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Dec 5, 2018

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Just Cause 4 approaches its potential but falls short due to its issues with graphics, gameplay, and technical performance.

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