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GenresAdventure, Indie, Shooter, Puzzle and Logic, Single Player, Multiplayer, First Person Perspective
AvailableNov 12, 2019
PlatformNintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
DeveloperPillow Castle Games

Falling asleep at 3AM, you close your eyes to the cheesy commercial of Dr. Pierce's dream therapy program. You wake up in an unfamiliar environment, only to realize that you're stuck in a dream - a dream where perception is reality. Welcome to Superliminal. Superliminal is a first-person puzzle game inspired perspective and optical illusions. Players tackle impossible puzzles by thinking outside the box and learning to expect the unexpected. This game features a wonderfully subdued world, an intriguingly voiced narrative, and things that are really weird.

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Superliminal wows critics with its deep, introspective narrative exploring dreams and self-discovery. Some praise its unique storytelling and engaging characters, while others criticize it for lacking depth and originality. Overall, the game resonates with players for its thought-provoking themes and immersive storytelling despite some shortcomings.

The story of Superliminal has garnered praise from several critics for its unique and thought-provoking narrative that delves into themes of dreams, perception, and self-discovery. GameSpot on PS4 and XBOX ONE commended the game for offering a narrative that explores dreams within a subconscious in crisis, with a simple yet effective storytelling approach. PlayStation Universe on PS4 highlighted the depth and humor added by characters like Doctor Pierce and the system admin, enhancing the overall narrative experience. Additionally, KeenGamer on PC found the story to be refreshing, heart-warming, and satisfying, focusing on the protagonist's journey through surreal dream layers. On the flip side, some critics expressed reservations about the storytelling in Superliminal. Cultured Vultures on XBOX ONE criticized the plot as being paper-thin, primarily serving as a backdrop for puzzle-solving, lacking engagement. XBLA Fans on XBOX ONE mentioned that the story felt like a poor imitation of Portal, with humor falling short and execution lacking. GameGrin on PC also noted excessive exposition and a disingenuous twist ending as drawbacks to an otherwise intriguing narrative. Overall, the consensus among critics regarding the story of Superliminal is largely positive, with many appreciating its thematic depth and unique approach to storytelling. The game successfully explores concepts of dreams, perception, and self-discovery, offering players a reflective and engaging narrative experience. While some critics raised concerns about the execution and depth of the story, the majority found the narrative to be a standout feature of the game, with its blend of humor, surrealism, and profound messages leaving a lasting impact on players.


Critics rave about Superliminal's innovative gameplay that challenges players with perspective-based puzzles, reminiscent of Portal. Despite some minor issues like repetitive mechanics and lack of depth in puzzles, the consensus is overwhelmingly positive. The game offers a satisfying and mind-bending experience that keeps players engaged with its unique and refreshing gameplay. Superliminal is hailed as a standout title for puzzle enthusiasts.

The majority of critics praised the gameplay of Superliminal for its innovative and creative approach to puzzle-solving. Digital Chumps, GameSpot, PlayStation Country, and PlayStation Universe all highlighted the game's unique perspective-based mechanics that challenge players to think differently and interact with objects in unconventional ways. Critics like Softpedia and XBLA Fans also commended the game for its challenging and ingenious puzzles that manipulate players' perceptions through changing perspectives. The game's focus on scale and perspective, as noted by Push Square, was compared to the mind-bending concepts seen in Portal, offering a variety of crazy puzzles and bizarre environments that kept players engaged. On the downside, some critics mentioned certain issues with the gameplay of Superliminal. GameGrin criticized some puzzles involving light and shadow for feeling cheap and frustrating, while KeenGamer pointed out that the puzzles lacked depth and challenge, with mechanics that were not fully developed. Noisy Pixel highlighted that the core gameplay could become repetitive and rely too much on trial and error due to unclear item markings. TheXboxHub also noted that while the gameplay mechanics were innovative, some sections felt repetitive, indicating a potential lack of variety in puzzle design. Overall, the consensus among critics is overwhelmingly positive regarding the gameplay of Superliminal. The game's unique perspective-based puzzle mechanics, as praised by critics like Cultured Vultures and NintendoWorldReport, offer an engaging and inventive experience that challenges players in a different way. Despite some minor criticisms about certain puzzles and gameplay aspects, the majority of reviewers found Superliminal's gameplay to be satisfying, mind-bending, and refreshing. The game's ability to constantly shift rules and solutions, as highlighted by PlayStation Universe, keeps players engaged and intrigued throughout the experience. Ultimately, Superliminal's gameplay is widely regarded as a standout feature that sets it apart as a must-play title for puzzle enthusiasts.


Critics rave about Superliminal's innovative visual design, praising its use of scale manipulation and optical illusions. While some express concerns about graphics and lack of environment variety, overall consensus is that the game's visuals are a standout feature, creating a surreal and engaging experience that plays with perspective and color schemes.

The critics generally praise Superliminal's visual design for its innovative use of scale manipulation, optical illusions, and forced perspective tricks. Digital Chumps commends the game for creating a fascinating visual experience through these techniques, while GameSpot on multiple platforms highlights the impressive visuals that shift between clinical environments and fantastical settings, enhancing the game's overall atmosphere. PlayStation Universe particularly appreciates the abstract color palette reminiscent of artists like Escher, Banksy, and Warhol, which not only makes the game visually appealing but also integral to the puzzle design. KeenGamer and Noisy Pixel also acknowledge the game's solid visual style and unique gameplay moments that play with the concept of perspective, adding depth to the overall experience. On the downside, some critics express concerns about the graphics and visual design of Superliminal. Softpedia finds the graphics to be somewhat simplistic and outdated, with transitions between themes not as smooth as desired. Cultured Vultures and TheXboxHub mention a lack of variety in environments, primarily featuring industrial hallways and science labs, which may lead to a sense of repetition for players. COGconnected points out occasional design sloppiness and inconsistencies in object interactions that detract from the overall visual design, while GameSpace notes that while the visuals are implemented well, they are not outstanding. Overall, the consensus among critics is that Superliminal's visual design is a standout feature of the game, with its innovative use of illusions, perspectives, and color schemes. Despite some criticisms regarding lack of variety in environments, occasional design issues, and varying levels of visual impact, the majority of reviewers appreciate the game's ability to create a surreal and engaging visual experience. The blend of optical illusions and forced perspective tricks, as highlighted by GameGrin, adds a unique dimension to the gameplay and storytelling, making Superliminal a visually captivating and thought-provoking experience for players across different platforms.


Critics generally praised Superliminal's sound design and music for enhancing the overall experience, with some highlighting the immersive atmosphere and attention to detail. However, there were mixed opinions, with some finding the audio forgettable or choppy. While not reaching the iconic status of games like Portal, efforts put into the sound design were recognized by most reviewers.

In terms of positives, the critics generally praised the sound design and music of Superliminal for enhancing the overall experience. PlayStation Country appreciated the friendly voice from tape machines and the overall sound design, while Nintendojo highlighted the well-thought-out sound effects, narration, and music that added to the atmosphere and puzzles. KeenGamer also commended the immersive sound design, attention to detail in environmental sounds, and the varied soundtrack that effectively fit the game's atmosphere. On the negative side, some critics had mixed feelings about the sound design and music of Superliminal. Cultured Vultures and TheXboxHub found the audio to be passable with forgettable music, while noting decent voice acting but nothing outstanding. Softpedia mentioned that while the different visual themes were well supported acoustically, the transitions among them could be smoother. NintendoWorldReport criticized the bland muzak soundtrack in many environments, which they found grating, although they acknowledged more fitting and memorable audio experiences in later parts of the game. Overall, the consensus among the critics regarding the sound design and music of Superliminal leans towards the positive side. Critics like Nintendo Life appreciated how the music was well-implemented to create an atmosphere of ease despite the strange events, enhancing the overall experience. However, there were mixed opinions on the impact of the music and sound design, with some finding it forgettable or choppy at times. Despite these criticisms, the majority of reviewers recognized the efforts put into the sound design and music to enhance the game's atmosphere and puzzles, even if it fell short of reaching the iconic status of similar games like Portal, as noted by COGconnected.


Summary: Critics have differing opinions on the voice acting in Superliminal. Some praise it for adding humor and depth to the narrative, while others criticize its lack of engagement and authenticity. The overall consensus is mixed, with some finding it entertaining and others feeling it detracts from player immersion.

The voice acting in Superliminal has received a mix of positive and negative feedback from critics. PlayStation Universe and Softpedia both highlight the positive aspects of the voice acting, praising the performances of characters like Doctor Pierce and the system admin for being funny, well-written, and adding depth to the narrative. Softpedia specifically mentions the strong personalities of the vocal companions and their witty dialogues that enhance the humor of the experience. This positive reception indicates that the voice acting successfully contributes to the overall enjoyment of the game by creating engaging and entertaining interactions for players. On the other hand, critics like XBLA Fans and GameGrin express more critical views on the voice acting in Superliminal. XBLA Fans criticizes the delivery of the voice acting for lacking engagement and humor, with only occasional success in delivering the intended humor. GameGrin, on the other hand, points out issues with excessive exposition through voice-over, which they feel hinders players from forming their own conclusions and finds the voice of Dr. Glenn Pierce to be disingenuous and controlling. These criticisms suggest that the voice acting in the game may not always hit the mark in terms of delivery and impact, potentially affecting the player's immersion and connection to the narrative. Overall, the consensus among critics regarding the voice acting in Superliminal leans towards a mixed reception. While some reviewers like PlayStation Universe and Softpedia appreciate the humor, depth, and entertainment value brought by the voice acting, others such as XBLA Fans and GameGrin find it lacking in delivery, engagement, and authenticity. It seems that the effectiveness of the voice acting in Superliminal may vary depending on individual preferences and expectations. The general sentiment suggests that while the voice acting adds to the overall experience for some, it falls short of leaving a lasting impression for others, resulting in a somewhat divisive aspect of the game's presentation.


Superliminal wowed critics with its stunning visuals and smooth gameplay on the Nintendo Switch, earning praise from GameSpot, God is a Geek, and Nintendo Life. However, Xbox One faced framerate issues, Nintendo Switch had occasional hiccups, and PS4 graphics were criticized for being outdated. Despite mixed reviews on technical performance across platforms, the game's unique gameplay and immersive experience were generally well-received.

In terms of the Technical Performance on different gaming platforms, Superliminal received praise for its visuals and performance on the Nintendo Switch. GameSpot, God is a Geek, and Nintendo Life all highlighted the game's fantastic appearance and smooth gameplay experience on the Switch, with minimal disruptions to the frame rate. Additionally, GameSpot commended the game's performance with manipulable objects in the environment on the Switch, indicating a cohesive and engaging gameplay experience. However, some critics pointed out drawbacks in the Technical Performance across various platforms. TheXboxHub mentioned framerate issues and performance drops on the Xbox One, impacting the overall gameplay experience negatively. NintendoWorldReport and Nintendojo also noted occasional performance hiccups and stutters on the Nintendo Switch, which could detract from the impressive visuals of the game at times. Softpedia highlighted that while the console version of the game had good stability and most bugs were eliminated on the PS4, the graphics were considered somewhat simplistic and outdated, suggesting room for improvement in visual quality. Overall, the consensus among the critics indicates a mixed reception regarding the Technical Performance of Superliminal across different gaming platforms. While the game excelled in terms of visuals and performance on the Nintendo Switch, with minimal disruptions to the frame rate and engaging gameplay mechanics, issues such as framerate drops on the Xbox One and occasional performance hiccups on the Switch were mentioned by critics like TheXboxHub and NintendoWorldReport. Despite these drawbacks, the game was generally praised for its unique gameplay elements and immersive experience, with some critics like GameSpace acknowledging the presence of occasional bugs but noting that features like the 'Return to Checkpoint' helped mitigate these issues.


Some critics praise Superliminal for its replay value, citing collectibles, challenges, and engaging puzzles, while others criticize its short length and limited exploration of mechanics. Overall, opinions vary on the game's replayability, with some emphasizing its unique gameplay mechanics as a draw for revisiting.

The opinions of the critics regarding the Replay Value of Superliminal showcase a mix of positive and negative perspectives. Some critics, such as PlayStation Country and Cultured Vultures, highlight the game's potential for replay value through collectibles, speed runs, secret areas, and additional challenges like achievements and unlockable modes. Digital Chumps also notes the engaging puzzles that may warrant revisiting for further exploration, indicating a positive aspect of the game that could enhance its replayability. The inclusion of multiple playthrough incentives like developer commentary, challenge modes, and race-style modes, as mentioned by Nintendojo, adds depth to the gameplay experience and makes revisiting the game appealing for players seeking more content. On the other hand, several critics express concerns about the limited replay value of Superliminal. GameSpot, in multiple reviews across different platforms, mentions that certain sections feel truncated, mechanics could have been further explored, and the short runtime of the game may hinder its replayability. Softpedia criticizes the game for being too short with no real replay value beyond collectibles and unlockable modes, while GameGrin points out missed opportunities for further exploration of game mechanics and puzzles, which could impact the game's overall replayability. GamingTrend and Noisy Pixel both emphasize the short length of the game and the lack of significant replay value, with Noisy Pixel specifically noting that the novelty wears off quickly, limiting the game's overall replayability. Overall, while some critics appreciate the engaging puzzles, collectibles, and additional challenges that enhance the replay value of Superliminal, others raise concerns about the game's short length, truncated sections, and limited exploration of mechanics impacting its replayability. The consensus among the critics suggests that while Superliminal offers a unique and enjoyable experience, its replay value may vary depending on individual preferences for puzzle-solving, exploration, and the desire for additional content. Critics like COGconnected commend the game's original and extraordinary gameplay mechanics, which could attract players to revisit the game for further exploration and appreciation despite its shortcomings in replayability highlighted by other reviewers.

Overall verdict

Overall Verdict

Superliminal wows critics with its mind-bending puzzles inspired by Inception and Portal, offering a unique and thought-provoking gaming experience. Critics praise its innovative gameplay mechanics, captivating visuals, and engaging narrative. However, some note its short length and lack of replay value. Despite its flaws, the game delivers a satisfying and refreshing puzzle experience that challenges players' perspectives. Recommended for fans of first-person puzzle games seeking a unique and engaging gameplay experience.

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100 reviews found


Aug 16, 2024

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Enjoyable experience with constantly shifting visuals, unique puzzles, and engaging gameplay. Short but fun and engaging, recommended for most players.

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Nov 20, 2019

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Superliminal is a clever game with original and extraordinary gameplay mechanics that offer a fresh and mind-blowing experience. While it may draw comparisons to Portal, it stands on its own as a unique and engaging puzzle game worth playing and revisiting.

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Jul 8, 2020

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Superliminal is described as a breath of fresh air, offering surprises and gratification as players uncover the game's unique perspective-based puzzles. It is praised as one of the more inventive games on a Nintendo platform.

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Nov 26, 2019

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Superliminal is a short puzzle game with great storytelling, unique mechanics, and thematic elements. While it may lack in difficulty and length, it offers a zen-like gaming experience and an uplifting message at the end.

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Jul 22, 2020

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The game is highly recommended, with the reviewer praising its mind-bending puzzles and clever use of forced perspective despite some shortcomings in story execution and voice acting.


Jul 28, 2020

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Superliminal is praised as a great puzzle game with a soul that subverts videogame tropes and expectations, offering a tempting proposition for players looking to delve deeper into its content.

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Jul 16, 2020

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Superliminal is a great puzzle experience that offers fresh perspectives on first-person puzzle games, with smart ideas and clever gameplay mechanics that make it a satisfying and enjoyable experience despite its short length.

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Jul 7, 2020

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Superliminal offers a wholly unique experience with powerful messaging, recommended for fans of Portal-like games despite its short length.

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Jul 13, 2020

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Superliminal is praised for its clever narrative, inventive puzzles, and entertaining gameplay, despite a few frustrating moments. It is recommended for players looking for a unique puzzle adventure experience.

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Jul 27, 2020

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Superliminal offers a unique and engaging puzzle experience that plays with perception and perspective, drawing inspiration from Inception while exploring original ideas. Short length may leave players wanting more levels, but the creativity in puzzles and thematic variety make it a worthwhile experience.

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